Held At Wrea Green Institute
On 9 JANUARY 2012 at 20.30 Hours
Present: Cllr. Mrs. J.L. Wardell (Chairman), Cllrs, J.W. Dobson K.J. Lupton, J.M. Molyneux, Mrs. P.A. Naylor, Mrs. A.E. Uphill, Mrs. C.E. Wheatman, and Cty. Cllr. P. Rigby.
There were three members of the public in attendance.
1.1. Apologies: Br. Cllr. F.A. Andrews.
1.2. Declarations of Interest: Cllr. J.M. Molyneux declared a personal interest in 12/112.2, and Cllr. Mrs. A.E. Uphill declared a prejudicial interest in 12/ 113.4.
12/110 The MINUTES of the Meetings of the 12 December 2011, which had previously been circulated to all councillors, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
1.Report from Community Beat Officer – PC Cross advised that there had been 5 reported crimes since the last Council meeting:-
Damage to a car in Beverley Close, a stolen Christmas wreath in Bryning Lane, an assault at a family party at The Villa, and two at Ribby Hall Leisure Village where an unattended jacket and mobile phone were stolen, and a bag taken from an unlocked locker.
Turning to the month priorities, the anti social behavioural problems on the green have not re-occurred and two fixed priced penalties have been issued for illegal parking at school pick-up time.
The regular parking of a car linked to the bus service was raised but PC Cross advised that this was a parking warden issue not a police one. He will advise the parking wardens.
1. Applications:
11/0807 10 St. Nicholas Grove
Proposed Dormer to Front and Two Storey Side Extension
The meeting was opened from 20.39 hours to 20.40 hours.
No objection as the extension would fit in well with the streetscene, and as long as United Utilities was satisfied that it was not too near the sewerage system which crossed this garden.
- 2. Land to East Richmond/Westbourne Avenues
Proposed Care Home as a Phased Development
Incorporating Sheltered and Extra Care
Bungalows and Care Home.
The meeting was opened from 20.45 hours to 20.49 hours.
Although, other than the care home aspect, these type of properties were required in the village the scale proposed was far in excess of the need and the development was also outside the village settlement area, which the Council wished to protect. In addition, the development was much larger than proposed in the evolving Neighbourhood Plan and not in close proximity to the village amenities as indicated in that plan. In addition this site was good agricultural land which needed protection.
Open Spaces and Greens:
1. Wray Crescent Land Following Transfer to The Parish Council Wray (12/103.2.) – The Clerk advised that matters were now finalised and the legal cost had been £360-00 net.
2.L Land Adjacent Crescent Play Area (12/103.1) – Cllr. Mrs. A.E. Uphill advised that a committee meeting was arranged for 12 January 2012 when a representative of Wicksteed was to attend. It was also proposed that an official committee would be formed.
- 3. The Vehicle Damage to the Church Row Green – Cllr. J.W. Dobson advised that this green had been badly damaged by vehicles and a large tub was to be placed in a strategic position to give protection. PCSO Sterling had agreed to speak to the Spar owner to request that the delivery vehicles did no further damage. It was RESOLVED that this issue should be referred to the Village Landscape Enhancement Committee, which will be meeting shortly, to give consideration to this problem and make recommendations.
- 4. Tenders for Grass Cutting/Maintenance (12/105.2.) – The Clerk advised the Council of the tenders and it was RESOLVED that R. Lancaster & Son would continue with the greens and play area and Jonathan Wildish Landscapes would continue the Open Spaces work. The tenders covered the ensuing three years.
- 5. Increase in War Memorial Budget 2011/12 – It was RESOLVED that in line with the Joint War memorial committee decision the 2011/12 budget would be increased by £250-00 to accommodate the urgent tree surgery undertaken by Mark Garner Tree Services.
The Clerk advised that J.Wareing & Son (Wrea Green) Limited had now agreed to waive any charge for removing/repairing and replacing the War Memorial bench. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would write to officially thank the company.
1.Financial Budget Comparisons for the Period Ended 31 December 2011 (Appendix 2) – The Clerk presented the account position which showed that income was well in excess overall and was now also being generated for garage rent which had not been budgeted for 2011/12. All income targets, other than the Westby with Plumptons’ War Memorial estimated contribution, which is marginally less, should be achieved. Also all expenditure other than the War Memorial capital expenditure which has been agreed by the Joint War Memorial Committee is within agreed budgets.
The position was authorised.
It was RESOLVED that £360-00 could be transferred from the Greens budget to cover the legal costs relating to Wray Crescent in the Open Spaces budget.
2.1. The following payments were approved for payment:-
1940 Not Issued
1951 HJ Gigg January Salary £436-23 net
1952 L. Weatherby January Salary £231-00 net
1953 HMRC NI & Tax January 2012 £309-84 net
1954 Dickson Haslam Legal fees Wray Cres. Land £360-00 net £432-00 gr 1955 HJ Gigg £ 33-86 net £ 40-64 gr
Computer Cartridges £ 29-83 net £ 35-80 gr
Stationery £ 4-03 net £ 4-84 gr
1956 Mark Garner Tree Surgery War Memorl £450-00 net £540-00 gr 1957 Sportsmedia BKGC Certificates £ 25-00 net
1958 Wrea Green Institute Donation for Committees £100-00 net
1959 St. Nicholas PCC Church Gardens Grant £300-00 net
1960 J.Wildish Landscapes Moss Clearance various sites£130-00 net £156-00 gr
1961 Alan Burrows Repair to Seats on Greens £ 122-00 net
3. Clerk & Responsible Officer’s Delegated Powers – In view of the extension of the duties now undertaken and the need for early action when repairs and work is necessary it was RESOLVED the delegated power be increased from £100-00 to £500-00. Any spend is to be confirmed at the following full Council meeting.
4. Station Road Toilets Application for Fylde LSP Fund Project Grant – The Clerk advised that he proposes to apply for a grant of £1000-00 towards the stage 3 enhancement programme circa £1500-00. This was endorsed by the Council.
1.1. Lancashire County Councillor Report – Cty. Cllr. P. Rigby had nothing
significant to report on this occasion. The Chairman asked Cllr. Rigby to advise the relevant LCC official that the revamped Saltcotes refuse site was excellent and that the staff were extremely helpful.
1.2. Fylde Borough Councillor Report – In Cllr. F.A. Andrews’ absence the Clerk reported that the new CEO was visiting all the borough wards and this ward on 16 March 2012. In addition to Cllr. Andrews one parish councillor could also walk the village with Alan Oldfield. It was RESOLVED that when the time of the visit was known this Council would be able to arrange a representative(s).
2. Lancashire County Council Urges Thought Before Releasing Flying Lanterns – LCC wants all parishes to be aware of the health and safety issues/dangers posed by flying lantern to humans, livestock and property. This was noted and it was RESOLVED that an article would be included in the next newsletter.
1. Co-Option of Councillor – It was RESOLVED that John Charles Maskell would be co-opted as a councillor for the remainder of the Council term. As he was unable to attend this meeting the Clerk will arrange for the Declaration of Acceptance of Office to be completed within the statutory term.
Andrew Knight will be asked to become a member of some committees so that he could gain further experience in Council matters.
2. Parish Council Civic Sunday 1 July 2012 – The Clerk advised the Council of the date of this event and asked them to give consideration to the format. In the meantime he will request the attendance of the Fylde Mayor, Cllr. Mrs. Heather Speak.
3. Working Mandate of the Wray Crescent Land Committee (Appendix 3) – The mandate was approved.
4. Training Seminar – Finance Workshop – 8 February 2012 – No one was available this time but Cllrs. Lupton and Molyneux were very interested in attending a future workshop.
5. The Wray Crescent Land Committee Minutes – 14 December 2011
(Appendix 4) – The minutes were noted.
12/117 CLERK’S REPORT (Appendix 1)
This document, which had previously been circulated to all councillors, was noted.
However, the Council was vehemently opposed to the agreed planning for the retrospective application relating to the flat roof at Holmhurst as the officer and Development Management committee had completely disregarded this Council’s views despite the matter also being contrary to Borough policy. It was RESOLVED that Cllr. J.M. Molyneux would take up this issue with the borough councillor, Cllr. F.A. Andrews, requesting him to take matters further. It was also now time to request that the Borough Council undertakes its’ statutory duty to undertake a survey of the Conservation Area.
It has been agreed that Alan Burrows would take down the Village sign and return it to Fred Cooke to repair and protect the artwork which has been badly affected by water seepage.
12/118 The Meeting Closed at 22. 15 hours. The Next Full Meeting is on the
13 February 2012.
Cllr. Janet Wardell 13 February 2012