Click on the subheading to view the club/society information:
Anchor Group | Choir | Girls Friendly Society | Men’s Breakfast | Ladies Christian Fellowship
Nicholas Bear Club | Pew Runners Group | JAM – Jesus and Me | Tuesday Break | Little Ducklings
Anchor Group
The Anchor Group provide a link, for young people aged 11 to 15, between Sunday School and the Church.
The group is temporarily in abeyance and a new Leader is urgently sought. If you think you may be able to help please contact the Vicar, Rev Wes Marks Tel: 01772 687644.
Can you sing?
If you can’t it still doesn’t matter because many of the choir think they can’t too!
Why not come and help us to lead our congregation in worship.
Anyone over the age of 8 is welcome.
Choir practice is on Thursday evenings at 7 pm in church.
Further details from Rev Wes Marks Tel: 01772 687644.
Girl’s Friendly Society
The GFS is a Society of the Anglican Church, founded by Mrs. Mary Townsend in 1875. It is temporarily in abeyance awaiting a new leader. Could this be you?
During this time, children from poor families left school between the ages of 11 and 14 and went to work in industry or in service at the wealthy houses. They were at risk, lonely and in need of help. Mary Townsend invited children from the workhouse into her home and encouraged them to sing hymns, learn needlework and knitting and how to pray to God.
Mary Townsend worked tirelessly seeing the needs of these children and the Girls’ Friendly Society and Townsend Fellowship began. The organisation spread rapidly in this country and overseas.
The Mission Statement
G.F.S. seeks to enable girls to develop their potential spiritually, socially and personally. The Motto of the Society is: “Bear ye one another’s’ burdens”.
The G.F.S. Prayer is:
O God our Father
We beseech thee to bless us.
And all who belong to the
Girls’ Friendly Society & Townsend Fellowship.
Help us to bear one another’s’ burdens.
And to live not for ourselves, but for others
As members of one family in
Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.

St Nicholas Wrea Green G.F.S. is in the Blackburn Diocese and was founded in 1918. Girls attend weekly meetings during term-time on Monday nights. There are 20 girls attending at the present aged 7-11 years.
Gill Coulson is an Assistant Leader and Penny Gillett is our Helper.
Each year we choose a different theme in the Diocese and this year it is “Working Together”.
Apart from our weekly meetings we attend Diocesan Events. G.F.S. Training Weekends are also held annually at Silverdale.
G.F.S. Leaders are able to attend training days where we have the chance to l learn new skills. Every three years there is a G.F.S. World Council Meeting. Last year it was held in South Africa and delegates were sent from each country. In 1996 it was held in London. Girls from St. Nicholas Wrea Green attended the World Council Service at Liverpool Cathedral with other G.F.S. Members from around the world in 1996.
During our weekly meetings this year we’ve enjoyed making various crafts:
LAVENDER BAGS, GOD’S EYES, SALT DOUGH ANIMALS, BIRDS, HOT BEADING, RIBBONS, MOTHERING SUNDAY, EASTER CARDS as well as gifts for our coffee morning. We made delicious Valentine biscuits and chocolate Easter nests.
The girls play games, enjoy drama, sing songs, take part in quizzes and delight in show and tell. They share ideas, write prayers. On Summer evenings we go out onto the Green feed the ducks and play games. We always finish our meetings with a quiet time – readings and prayers. The older girls help the younger ones. Our Meetings are fun and we enjoy this time together.
It’s very special to be part of the G.F.S. and a new leader is now sought. If you would like to know more about how rewarding this role is please contact Ann Andrews.
For further details contact: Sharon Lindley Tel: 07582 159332 or Ann Andrews 01772 685427. E-mail: [email protected]
Men’s Breakfast
The group consists of approximately a dozen men who meet several times a year on a Saturday morning to discuss the Christian dimension to topical events/problems. We meet in private homes and enjoy fellowship and discussion over a continental style breakfast. The group is always ready to welcome new members and meetings are announced in St Nicholas Church and in the Parish Magazine as well as being listed under the “Events” tab.
For further details about the group contact Frank Andrews. Tel: 01772 685427 or E-mail: [email protected]
For details about the Christian Viewpoint for Men organisation click here:
Ladies Christian Fellowship
The Ladies Christian Fellowship (LCF) is an independent group under the umbrella of St Nicholas Church. It is based on the Christian faith and endeavours to offer interesting meetings and events in an environment of love, support and friendship. Membership is not limited to Anglicans and is open to people of all denominations, faiths or none – a place where ladies can socialise and feel welcome and at ease. There is a varied programme of speakers, celebrations and outings. A copy of the programme is displayed on the Notice Board in the Church Porch.
Most of the meetings take place on the second Wednesday of the month in St Nicholas Church Community Centre at 7.30 pm. During the months of December to February the meetings are in the afternoon starting at 2.30 p.m. No meetings are held in the summer months of July and August.
Contact Mrs Margaret Ingham, LCF Leader, on 01772 685568 for more information.
Nicholas Bear Club
Meeting on alternate Wed 2.30 -3.30pm in Wrea Green church (and then in the centre) Nicholas Bear Club is an informal service and activity time for pre-school children (any age) and whoever is looking after them. It is a special time for children and their carers to share and have fun together and also to meet new and old friends.
If you would like to know more about Nicholas Bear Club,
please contact: Cheryl Rees: 01772 684037
Ros Cockrill: 01772 672799
JAM says “Jesus and Me!”
JAM is our Junior Church at St Nicholas, Wrea Green. We meet in Church at 9.30am each Sunday and go in to the Centre, returning into church much later in the service. If you like to ask questions, to wonder why, to find out things, to understand, to listen to stories, to draw and make things, to sing and to have a wonderful time – come to JAM!
All children and young people are very welcome
Come and see!
Contact Cheryl 01772 684037, 07778734719, Annie 01253 738056, 07967822830
Tuesday Break
Information coming soon.
Little Ducklings
Parent and Toddler Group. This is held in the church annexe every Wednesday 10am – 11am.
Please contact Laura McCormack; [email protected]
Pew Runners Group
This project was completed in 2009 when we were approached by our sister church of St.Matthews, Ballam to work kneelers for their altar. These consist of three kneelers with the centre one reflecting the design of the window behind the altar with scenes of farming through the seasons either side. These were consecrated at the Plough Sunday service on January 9th 2011 and can be viewed at Ballam Church by arrangement with Mrs. Jean Kirkham (01253737819)
Our latest project is to provide altar kneelers for St Nicholas’ Wrea Green – designs have been done using the stained glass again for the front and Christian symbols for the top.
St.Nicholas’ Church is open during daylight hours if you would like to view our work and the group meets in the church centre alternate Wednesday afternoons. For further information ring Jan Cookson (01772 682189) or Margaret Fawcett (01772 687344)