Held At Wrea Green Institute
On 19 MARCH 2012 at 20.00 Hours
Present: Cllr, J.W. Dobson (Vice Chairman), Cllrs. K.J. Lupton, J.C. Maskell, J.M. Molyneux, Mrs. P.A. Naylor, Mrs. A.E. Uphill, Mrs. C.E. Wheatman,
Cty. Cllr. P. Rigby and Br. Cllr. F.A. Andrews..
There were four members of the public in attendance.
1.1. Apologies: Cllr. Mrs. J.L. Wardell (Chairman).
1.2. Declarations of Interests: Cllrs. K.J. Lupton and Mrs. C.E. Wheatman declared prejudicial interest in 12/136 1 and 2 and left the room during discussions.
12/131 The MINUTES of the Meetings of the 13 February 2012, which had previously been circulated to all councillors, were approved and signed by the Vice Chairman.
1.Report from Community Beat Officer – PC Cross advised that there had been three reported crimes since the last meeting. An ASB incident at the Grapes bus shelter (not a resident), and two at Ribby Hall Leisure Village where a plastic storage shed at the caravan park was broken into with two mountain bikes and a power spray stolen, and £10 stolen from the tips jar at the Pizza restaurant.
The PACT priorities this month – parking, ASB at the bus stop and Station Road toilets. Concern was raised at the continuing anti-social parking on pavements but PC Cross advised that he had booked a further two offenders since the last meeting.
2. Community RoadWatch Meeting Update – 15 February 2012 (Appendix 3)
The proposed scheme was clearly outlined in the appendix. The meeting was opened from 20.04 hours to 20.15 hours. John Rowson advised that the scheme was to progress and as there were potentially 5 volunteers no more were required. They will undergo a half day training course at Hutton late May or early June. There is, however, only one community camera now available for the five teams being established. There are currently three “risk assessed” sites in Wrea Green and PC Cross is looking for one on Bryning Lane. PC Cross will look for funding sources but the Council may have to contribute as the cost is in the region of £3200.
1. Applications:
12/0089 1 Greenside, The Green
Proposed Infill Single Storey Side Extension.
No Objection.
3. Redrow – Smithy Fold Affordable Houses, Ribby Road – Cllr. J.W. Dobson
had questioned whether the window frames were made of wood and Cllr. Mrs. P.A. Naylor confirmed that this was the case.
The Clerk advised that he had been contacted by David Pomfret of Great Places Housing Association advising that there had been little response from potential tenants for the affordable properties from within Wrea Green and he had requested a proactive approach by councillors.
1.Financial Budget Comparisons for the Period Ended 28 February 2012 Appendix 2) – The Clerk presented the position which showed that income was well in excess overall and, other than the previously reported Joint War Memorial Committee, all budgets had been exceeded. Again other than the War Memorial capex, previously advised, all expenditure was within budgets and overall well below full budget expenditure.
The position was authorised.
2. Transfer of Unused Specific Budgets for 2011/12 to 2012/13 Budget – The Clerk advised that it was necessary to transfer specific unused budgets to the 2012/13 budget. It was RESOLVED that a total of £5775-23 be carried forward comprising £203 Amenity reserve, £1000 Conservation reserve, £164-05 Allotment Water, £410-00 Allotment Indemnity Fund, £1796 Youth restricted fund, £50 specific donation, £1355-68 Village Plan and £796-50 Greens expenditure. In addition it was RESOLVED that £1203-50 unused 2011/12 Greens’ budget should also be carried forward as an unrestricted reserve. In addition, the unclaimed cricket club grant was also to be carried forward.
4. Financial Asset Review (Appendix 6) – A copy of the Council’s Asset register
had been circulated to councillors prior to the meeting. It was RESOLVED that the register be accepted as a true record of the Council’s assets.
Cllr. Mrs. C.E. Wheatman was annoyed that the Best Kept Village Limited Addition Prints were still not displayed at the Institute and she would approach the Club’s chairman in this respect.
5. Entry – North West in Bloom – It was RESOLVED that the Council would enter North West in Bloom in line with the VLEC recommendation.
6. Review of Effectiveness of Internal Audit –
a) Scope of internal Audit – It is believed that the scope of the Internal Audit is fully and clearly covered in the Agreement Letter.
b) Independence – Mr. Alan Greening is unbiased and independently minded.
c) Competence – Mr. Greening was a senior Public Authority Auditor and had CIPA qualifications.
d) Relationship – The Clerk is fully aware of his responsibilities as Clerk and Responsible Officer. The Finance Committee is monitoring all financial aspects.
e) Planning and Reporting – The Council is kept fully aware of the audit timetable and requirements.
It was RESOLVED that to the best of its knowledge the Council felt that all aspects of the Internal audit were carried out competently.
6. Request for Financial Support from North West Air Ambulance – It was RESOLVED that a £50-00 payment be made in line with the budget.
7. Jubilee Oak (12/126.3) – VLEC had recommended an English Oak to be positioned on the Brooklands side of The Dub. Richard Eaves had ordered the oak from J.A. Jones & Sons of Southport including planting and will manage the planting. It was RESOLVED that the cost of the Jubilee Oak in the sum of
£700-00/800-00, including planting, would be met from reserves.
8.1. Painting of Damaged Benches – It was CONFIRMED that payment for painting the damaged benches repaired by Alan Burrows should be made from the Greens Maintenance Expenditure. Also the FBC re-charge election costs for 5 May 2011 (uncontested) in the sum of £35-00 from general reserve under RPA 1983 s36.
8.2. Payment of Accounts – It was RESOLVED that the following payments be authorised:-
100362 HJ Gigg March Salary £ 581-63 net
100363 L. Weatherby March Salary £ 245-00 net
100364 HMRC NI & Tax March 2012 £ 164-44 net
100365 Tarleton Spec.Plants Allotment Hedging £ 190-50 net £228-60 gr
100366 R. Davenport Painting benches £ 55-00 net
100367 HJ Gigg Quarterly Expenses £102-70 net
100368 HJ Gigg £ 47-79 net £57-34 gr
Computer/General Stationy £ 39-47 net £ 47-36 gr
Stationery £ 8-32 net £ 9-98 gr
100369 NW Ambulance Grant £ 50-00 net
100370 Fylde BC Election Costs £ 35-00 net
100371 Mowerpower Ltd Lawnmower Maintenance £ 77-97 net £ 93-56 gr
It was RESOLVED that in pursuance of the powers conferred in section 137 LGA 1972 (as amended) and being that the expenditure covered in respect of the North West Air Ambulance satisfies the requirements of that section.
9. Grant for Station Road Toilets Enhancement Programme (12/125.2) – The Clerk advised that the application to the LSP for the £1000-00 grant had been successful.
Open Spaces and Greens:
1.2012 Olympic Committee Car Boot Sale 7 May 2012 – It was RESOLVED that the committee could hold a car boot on the same basis of previous times.
2. 2012 Olympic Committee July/August Activities –It was RESOLVED that the committee could have a marquee on the Green covering the 2012 Olympics subject to the usual terms, including public indemnity insurance of a minimum of £2m, which will be liaised with the Clerk.
3. Overgrown Hedges and Trees Encroaching on Public Highways – The Chairman has received complaints about overhanging hedges at 9 & 15 Bryning Lane. The matter was referred to Cty. Cllr. P. Rigby who agreed to take matters up with the LCC officials.
4. Vehicle Damage on the Greens – Cllr. J.M. Molyneux raised the continual problem of vehicle damage to the main and Church Row greens. After a long discussion it was RESOLVED that the matter should be referred to VLEC and then a Council project introduced to look at ways to eradicate the problem and the costs appertaining. Also the possibility, depending on cost, of introducing a trial grasscrete arrangement on a small part of the Church Row green would also be considered.
5. Wray Crescent – Additional Vehicle Access off Grass Crete to 35 Wray Crescent – The Clerk advised that the resident of 35 Wray Crescent had made this request, through Cllr. Dobson, to gain access to 35 Wray Crescent using the current grasscrete section introduced for the disabled occupants of 37 Wray Crescent. The meeting was opened from 20. 50 hours to 20.53 hours. After giving matters full consideration it was RESOLVED that as the grasscrete was laid purely for the convenience of the occupants of 37 Wray Crescent and as further access off the grass could prejudice the current arrangement, this request was refused.
7. Update on Jubilee Tree (12/126.3) – The Clerk advised that in line with 134/7
following consultation with VLEC an English Oak had been ordered and planting is to be supervised by Richard Eaves. It was expected that the planting would have been completed by now but is imminent.
12/136 FYLDE BOROUGH/LANCASHIRE COUNTY COUNCILS 1.1. Lancashire County Councillor Report – Cty. Cllr. P. Rigby had no specific items relating to Wrea Green. Cllr. J.W. Dobson advised that he had had a meeting with Graham McCracken, LCC, relating to Ribby Road and he had agreed that Ribby Road and the Grapes Sprig road potholes needed auctioning but also that he would recommend this area was fully resurfaced. The potholes have subsequently been filled in and it was RESOLOVED that the Clerk write to Jo Turton at LCC to press for this work to be carried out as soon as possible.
The Council thanked Cllr. Rigby for his County Councillor financial grant in erecting the bollards on Ribby Road at a cost of £659.
1.2. Fylde Borough Councillor Report – Br. Cllr. F.A. Andrews reported that the walk around the village by the new CEO, Allan Oldfield had been very successful. He is to look into Kirkham Prison inmates regarding the clearance of the garages area at Wray Crescent.
Cllrs. Andrews and Liz Oades (Kirkham) are to attend a predetermination meeting at the Town Hall relating to the Greenlands Farm Sports planning application on 26 March 2012. THE DM committee meeting is on 4 April and a coach is being organised by Sarah Greensmith. There have been 370 objections to the stadium proposals. Sarah Greensmith is representing the objection body and is well prepared for the meeting.
The Village Plan is currently awaiting the FBC affordable housing survey before any further progress can be made. The Chairman of the steering committee is attending a Westby with Plunptons Parish Council meeting on 8 April in the hope of gaining that Council’s support to include the parts of that parish which are considered part of Wrea Green village.
The Village Website forum is now active.
1. Civic Sunday 1 July 2012 – The Clerk advised that the mayor had accepted the invitation and the vicar has allocated the church slot. The final plans will be determined when the 2012/123 Chairman is elected in May.
2. Conservation Area – Not discussed.
3. Village Clocks – Cllr. Dobson reported that the clock on the school was stopped and the Millennium clock faces showed different times.
Cllr. Mrs. P.A. Naylor advised that the fluorescent bulb was also spent and needed replacement. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would contact J.M. Services (North West) Limited to ascertain whether that company can undertake this task. If not a local electrical business would be approached.
4.Minutes – Village Landscape Enhancement Committee- Meeting – 23 February 2012 (Appendix 4) – The minutes, which were circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting, were noted.
5. Minutes – Allotment Society AGM – 20 February 2012 (Appendix 5) – The minutes, which had been circulated prior to the meeting, were noted.
6. NALC Briefing – Information Commissioner’s Office Guidance on Information Held on Private E-Mails – The Clerk advised councillors that Council information on their computers were subject to the Data Protection and Freedom of Information rules. It was, therefore, important that all correspondence, written or e-mail, where passed to the Clerk.
7. Neighbourhood Plan – Affordable Housing – The Clerk advised that a meeting with FBC took place on 24 February 2012 at Cllr. Andrews home. Also full information was advised at the extra meeting which preceded this gathering.
12/138 CLERK’S REPORT (Appendix 1)
This document, which had previously been circulated to all councillors, was noted.
12/139 The Meeting Closed at 21.52 hours. The Next Full Meeting is on the
23 April 2012. There will be an additional planning meeting on 9 April 2012 to cover planning applications.
Cllr. Mrs. J. L. Wardell 23 April 2012