A wonderful 5 1/2 acre plot has been donated by Andy Bradshaw to become a Remembrance Wood which will be open to all including responsible dog owners. The area is on the East side of Bryning Lane and is best approached from Richmond Avenue. It will be an area of quiet reflection with a pond, walkways, dove cotes and of course a lot of trees. Whilst the current tree planting season has closed there remain a few trees that can still be sponsored in remembrance of someone dear. The cost of a 6 year old tree is £210. Email: [email protected] for more details.
Facebook link: Wrea Green Remembrance Wood
See also the Remembrance Wood crowdfunding page for those who might like to donate towards buying benches and other items. Here
The Wood is being looked after by a small team of volunteers. Further details from: Ashley Bradshaw <[email protected]>