On 18 SEPTEMBER 2012 at 19.30 Hours
Present: Cllr. Mrs. J.L. Wardell (Chairman), Cllrs. J.W. Dobson, K.J. Lupton, J.C. Maskell, J.M. Molyneux, Mrs. P.A. Naylor, Mrs. A.E. Uphill,
Mrs. C.E. Wheatman, Cty. Cllr. P. Rigby and Br. Cllr.F.A. Andrews.
There were three members of the public in attendance.
1.1. Apologies: None.
1.2. Declarations of Interests: None.
- 2. Written Requests for New SPI Dispensation: None received.
13/71 The MINUTES of the Meetings of the 13 August and 3 September 2012, which had previously been circulated to all councillors, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
1.Report from Community Beat Officer – PCSO Trevor Sterling reported that there had been one reported crime since the last Council meeting – the theft of jewellery from a holiday apartment at Ribby Hall Leisure Village.
The community Roadwatch scheme is well under way and there have already been two sessions and 8 bookings resulted.
There have been reports of a “strange” character being seen around the village and it is believed that he was responsible for an attempted break in on the new Redrow development.
1. Applications:
12/0515 16 Manor Way The Villa, Moss Side Lane
Proposed Single Storey Rear Extension and Raised Patio.
No Objection.
- 1. Wray Crescent Play Area Extension (13/46 1) – Cllr. Mrs. A.E. Uphill reported that it was now agreed that a Buccaneer Tower would be purchased from Wicksteed at a cost of £18343-97 including installation. It was RESOLVED that this should be taken forward and that the Street Snooker piece of equipment should also be purchased. It would be preferable if the equipment was installed in the Spring 2013. In the meantime the Clerk would apply for the Redrow’s 106 moneys. It was also RESOLVED that the Council would cover the cost of any overspend of the S106 moneys and this element could be included in the 2013/14 budget.
2. Repairs to The Green – The Clerk advised that there were several areas of The Green that needed repair work and it was CONFIRMED that he would commission R. Lancaster & Son to undertake the work which would be covered within the existing budget. It was RESOLVED that neither the Field Day or Olympic committees would be asked to contribute. However, the Clerk is to contact the marquee company to obtain recompense for the recorded damage caused by that company when removing the marquee.
- 3. Damage to Telephone Line on The Green – The Clerk advised that although
not directly contacted the Council should be aware of the situation. R. Lancaster & Son whilst undertaking drainage work had damaged the telephone line that is underneath the Green. Matters are currently with their insurers.
1.1.Financial Budget Comparisons for the Period Ended 31 August 2012
(Appendix 2) – The Clerk presented the account position. All allotment and fishing permit income had now been received. Overall income is well on course at £32545 against the annual budget of £57982 which is still expected to be exceeded. Expenditure to date at £15584 is maintained within agreed budgets. The figurework was accepted and the accounts were approved.
1.2. Allotment Budget – It was advised that the Allotment Society was to develop an orchard on the spare land behind the current allotments. The cost will be met from the agreed Allotment budget.
2. . Payment of Accounts –
2.1. The following payments were approved :-
100374 HJ Gigg September Salary £581-63 net
100375 L. Weatherby September Salary £217-00 net
100376 HMRC NI & Tax September £159-62 net
100377 J.Wildish Land Grass cutting £318-00 net £381-60 gr
100378 Principal Hygiene £285-88 gr
Annual Contract £169-00 net £202.80 gr
Toilet Supplies £ 34-62 net £ 41-54 gr
Toilet Supplies £ 34-62 net £ 41-54 gr
100379 N.W. in Bloom Presentation Event £ 50-00 net
100380 Woodys Group Fencing & Gate re Allot. £141-06 net £169-27 gr
2041 HJ Gigg Expenses £ 192-05 net
Postage £ 0-90 net
Telephone Aug & Sept £ 20-00 net
Broadband July -Sept £ 42-00 net
Mileage 287 miles @ 45p £129-15 net
3. Tree Surgeon to Inspect All Trees where Council is Responsible and Take Necessary Action – The Clerk advised that he was to request that a tree surgeon inspected all the Council’s trees and take any necessary remedial action in the fall. The cost will come out of the respective budgets.
1.1. Fylde Borough Councillor Report – Br. Cllr. F.A. Andrews reported that the latest Government directives had resulted in major adverse alterations to the local planning climate. As a consequence of Fylde Borough not having a five year housing supply and in the absence of a Deposit Plan there was a strong possibility that the current two larger developments at Richmond and Bryning Lane, and the large pipeline proposal off Moss Side Lane, could all be approved. It was agreed that a meeting should take place with Mark Evans, Head of Planning at FBC, to discuss matters in more detail and do the best to curtail the impact of new housing development.
1.2. Lancashire County Councillor Report – Cty. Cllr. P. Rigby advised that the only way the Council would improve the situation was by indicating a preference to where new development was to be undertaken.
2. Delegated Powers of Rights of Way from Lancashire County Council – The Clerk reported that the parish public rights of way still had to be assessed but would be undertaken before the next meeting.
3. Gambling Act Consultation 2013-15 – It was RESOLVED that there was need to make comment.
- 4. Amenity Cleaning – Cllr. J.W. Dobson reported that he felt that FBC was not satisfactorily undertaking the amenity cleaning. Also the agreed programme had been altered without advising the Parish Council. The Clerk advised that he had already been in contact with the Amenity Cleaning department on this issue and at the recent Parish Liaison Allan Oldfield, CEO, had promised to furnish town and parish councils with the current amenity cleaning programme. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would follow up matters and report back to the next meeting.
1. Dog Fouling in the Village – The Clerk advised that he had received and responded to a complaint, which was read out at the meeting, regarding dog fouling. It was RESOLVED that although this situation was appalling it was a FBC issue and the Council had done all that it could legally do in this situation.
2. National Road Safety Week 19-25 November 2012 –
2.1. Permission to Put up Banners in the Village – The Clerk advised that Ean Lewin, who is now moving the SpID around the village for the Council, is involved with a charity, BRAKE, which helps bereaved families following fatal car accidents. The National Road Safety Week is about 20 mph speed limits within the theme of “slower speeds.” Mr. Lewin is requesting that he is allowed to put banners up on the school railings and on spikes on the green. It was RESOLVED that Mr. Ean be invited to put his case and answer questions at the next meeting.
2.2. Request for a Small Grant – Mr. Lewin is trying to get BAe Systems to sponsor the event locally. It was felt that as Ean Lewin does not charge the Council for charging the SpID it would be equitable to consider a grant in appreciation. The grant could be met within the existing sponsorship budget as the Senior Citizens’ Dinner is not taking place this year. It was RESOLVED that this would be decided when the full cost was known.
3. Complaints about Football on The Green – The Clerk advised for councillor information that he had received a complaint that footballers were not using property gates to retrieve footballs but merely jumping over the wall onto the garden. Dennis Halliday, football club secretary, had been informed.
4. Bonfire Night 5 November 2012 – The Clerk advised that the Institute were taking on the event as agreed. Catering will be undertaken by the steward as this is now part of his franchise. Councillors were reminded that there is a need for all to attend as stewards to meet the conditions of the Council’s insurance.
- 5. Christmas Activities (Appendix 3) – The Minutes of the meeting held on
20 August were noted. The event is to take place on 8 December 2012.
1.Remembrance Sunday – 11 November 2012 – The Clerk reminded councillors of the arrangements.
2. Lancashire Best Kept Village Competition – The Clerk confirmed that the village had won the Champion’s Class, The church gardens runners up and the War Memorial highly commended in their classes. The presentation is at the Villa on 15 October 2012.
3. Three Parishes Dinner – 11 October 2012 – The Clerk advised that, despite advising the date of the dinner in August, it clashed with Westby with Plumptons’ Council meeting. As we are committed to this the dinner date with the mayor and consort attending it was too late to alter which would result in no attendees from that parish.
4. Members Conduct and Registration and Disclosure of Their Interests (England) (13/62 4.)– The Clerk advised that this Council had been under the impression that councillors would need to write to the District Council’s
monitoring officer to obtain dispensation, but this was not actually necessary. A letter to the clerk will suffice and then be given consideration by this Council at the start of each meeting.
13/79 CLERK’S REPORT (Appendix 1)
This document, which had previously been circulated to all councillors, was noted.
13/80 The Meeting Closed at 20.50 hours. The Next Full Meeting is on the
15 October 2012.
Cllr. Janet Wardell 15 October 2012