Held At Wrea Green Institute
On 13 FEBRUARY 2012 at 19.30 Hours
Present: Cllr. Mrs. J.L. Wardell (Chairman), Cllrs, J.W. Dobson, J.C. Maskell,
J.M. Molyneux, Mrs. P.A. Naylor (arrive 19.32 hours), Mrs. C.E. Wheatman, Br. Cllr. F.A. Andrews and Cty. Cllr. P. Rigby.
There was one member of the public in attendance.
1.1. Apologies: Cllrs. K.J. Lupton and Mrs. A.E. Uphill.
1.2. Declarations of Interests: Cllr. J.W. Dobson declared a personal interest in 12/123 .3 (Wrea Green Field Day), and Cllr. Mrs. C.E. Wheatman a prejudicial interest in 12/124.8 (2012 Olympic Committee) and left the room during the discussions.
12/120 The MINUTES of the Meetings of the 9 January 2012, which had previously been circulated to all councillors, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
1.Report from Community Beat Officer – CPSO Trevor Sterling advised of one reported crime since the last meeting – an attempted burglary at Ribby Avenue. There has been a person apprehended who had committed a series of burglaries in the area and it is believed also to have committed this crime. Last month PACT priorities were dog fouling and speeding. PCSO Sterling has been with the dog warden in the village during the last month and the dog warden is to continue to visit the village. PC Cross has been undertaking speed enforcement activities and a meeting has been arranged on 15 February 2012 to introduce volunteers to speed enforcement sessions which will be alongside PC Cross and PCSO Sterling. PACT priority this month is parking on pavements.
PCSO Sterling also warned of the current cash machine scam which has been discovered in Lytham, so be vigilant when withdrawing cash. The Lyndsay Greening E-mail situation has now been blocked by the police.
1. Applications:
12/0052 Ribby Hall Leisure Village
Proposed Single Storey Extension to front of Sports Centre
To Provide Extended Bar Area.
No Objection.
- 2. Greenlands Farm, Ribby Road – The Clerk advised that the Sports Stadium application will be on the FBC Development Management Committee agenda on 29 February 2012. It was RESOLVED that Cllr. Mrs. J.L. Wardell will speak on behalf of the Parish Council.
- 3. Brook Mill – Building Change of Use – Cllr. J.C. Maskell advised that
The Fox’s storage facility had been taken over by a manufacturer of polystyrene beads which had been dropping all over the village. Cllr. Maskell had approached the company and had been advised that there had been a leak in one of the trailers and this had now been repaired. The company is to arrange to sweep the road. As it was confirmed that the building did not require change of use permission it was RESOLVED that the Clerk would write to the company so that the proprietors were aware that the Council was involved.
- 4. Redrow Development at Smithy Fold – Cllr. J.W. Dobson thought that the
windows of the affordable properties were PVC not wood as required by planning. Cllr. Mrs. P.A. Naylor felt that this was not the case but would check.
Open Spaces and Greens:
1.aImprovement to Drainage on The Green – The Clerk advised that there was a problem with drainage at the South/West end near Moss Side Lane. As part of a full programme, it is recommended that £3000-00 be allocated from within the Green’s 2012/13 budget to carry out the work, or at least as much as possible for that financial commitment. It was RESOLVED that this sum would be set aside for this work.
2. Dog Fouling on The Green – The Clerk advised that as well as there being a spate of dog fouling on the village pathways there was also a problem on the main green. The head teacher of the primary school had raised this issue and the police and dog wardens had been advised. It was RESOLVED that this problem was being looked at by the dog warden but should be raised again in the next newsletter.
3.Wrea Green Field Day – Use of Green – 30 June 2012 – It was RESOLVED that the Field Day committee could have use of the Green on the same basis as previous years.
4.aClearance of Wray Crescent Garage Area of Rubbish and Weeds – The Clerk advised that at the Wray Crescent Land meeting the tenants requested that the area be tidied up. As the Council is already receiving rental income it was RESOLVED that a new Budget of £500-00 could be extended this year. It was also RESOLVED that Cllr. J.L. Wardell would contact Community Payback in the hope that that group would undertake the necessary work.
- 5. Minutes of Wray Crescent Land Meeting – 18 January 2012 (Appendix 7) –
The minutes which were previously circulated were noted.
6. Land Adjacent Crescent Play Area (12/113.2) (Appendix 8) – The minutes of the meeting of 12 January 2012, which had been circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting, were noted . Cllr. Mrs. J.L. Wardell advised that at the subsequent meeting on 8 February 2012 there was insufficient interested parties to set up a viable committee. This need is to be included in the current newsletter and the open day on 17 March is also to be advertised. If there is insufficient interest thereafter the project will be dropped.
1.Financial Budget Comparisons for the Period Ended 31 January 2012 (Appendix 2) – The Clerk presented the account position which showed that income was well in excess overall and, other than the previously reported
Joint War Memorial Committee agreed expenditure, all outgoings had been maintained within budgets, and overall was well below full budget expenditure.
The position was authorised.
2. Additional Disbursements – Wray Crescent Land Transfer – Dickson Haslam inadvertently omitted to include the costs of £62-00 for Land registry charges . It was RESOLVED that £62-00 is transferred from the Green budget to cover the additional legal costs.
Also the Annual Subscription to Navigus Planning of £50-00 is to be met from the subscriptions budget and budget adjusted by transferring £50-00 from National Conference budget.
3.1. The following cash payment was Confirmed:-
Cash Dobbies Gardg Wld Winter Tub compost £ 28-98 net £ 34-77 gr
1962 Fylde BC N.West in Bloom Presentn £ 25-00 net
1963 United Utilities Water for Allotments £ 25-72 net
1964 PS Office Services Laminating Pouches £ 15-99 net £ 19-19 gr
1965 E-On Electricity to Green £ 28-35 net £ 29-77 gr
3.2. The following were approved for payment:-
100350 HJ Gigg February Salary £436-23 net
100351 L. Weatherby February Salary £210-00 net
100352 HMRC NI & Tax February 2012 £309-84 net
100353 Dickson Haslam Legal Fees £ 62-00 net
100354 A. Burrows £103.44 net
Toilet repairs £ 62.23 net
Garage Area lighting £ 41-21 net
100355 J.M. Services (NW) Christmas Tree Installatn. £388.50 net £466-20 gr
100356 Navigus Planning Annual Subscription £ 50-00 net
100357 West Wind Moves Web Site Domain £ 18-71 net £ 22-45 gr
100358 HJ Gigg Computer Cartridges £ 27-48 net £ 32-97 gr
100359 LBKVC Entry Fee 2012 £ 20-00 net
100360 Zurich Mgt. Servics Annual Subscription £ 95-00 net £114-00 gr 100361 Lancs.Playg,Field A Annual Subscription £15-00 net
It was RESOLVED that in pursuance of the powers conferred in section 137 LGA 1972 (as amended) and being that the expenditure covered in respect of the Lancashire Best Kept Village Competition satisfies the requirements of that section.
4. Standing Order Review (Appendix 3) – It was RESOLVED that the existing standing orders remained appropriate.
5.Parish Council’s Policy Document Review (Appendix 4) – It was RESOLVED that this document still applied.
- 6. Risk Assessment Documents Review –(Appendix 5) – It was RESOLVED
that these documents were still pertinent.
- 7. Appointment of Internal Auditor and Terms of Agreement 2012/13
(Appendix 6) – It was RESOLVED that Alan Crawshay Greening should
continue as internal auditor. It was also RESOLVED that the Terms of Agreement Letter was appropriate.
- 8. Grant to 2012 Olympic Committee re Family Fun Day – The Clerk advised that the Olympic Committee had received promises of £375-00 above the cost of the fun day. It was RESOLVED that as the £500-00 was in the 2012/13 budget this amount should still be given to the organisation.
- 9. Engraving the Chairman’s Jewel – It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would arrange for the engraving going back to when Arthur Naylor was Chairman.
1.1. Lancashire County Councillor Report – Cty. Cllr. P. Rigby advised that he had nothing to report other than he had followed up the faulty street lamp on Ribby Road and it was now working. Cllr. J.W. Dobson advised that the dangerous water leak on the Station Road bridge had been repaired.
1.2. Fylde Borough Councillor Report – Cllr. Andrews advised that Allan Oldfield was vising the ward on 16 March 2012 meeting at 14 St. Nicholas Grove at 9.30 a.m. It was agreed that Cllrs. J.W. Dobson and K.J. Lupton would accompany Mr. Oldfield and the ward councillor.
Fylde Borough Council (FBC) was concerned and looking into the situation that there were too many charity shops which was resulting in unfair trading of normal businesses.
A coach was being arranged by Sarah Greensmith on 29 February to take villagers to the FBC Development Management meeting re the Greenlands Farm planning application.
Cuadrilla is undertaking a fracking survey at the end of February and there are three local meetings arranged to outline the process.
Cllr. Andrews reminded councillors that the Wrea Green website was there to be used. Owen Gigg had introduced a link for a Wrea green business members’ network.
There was currently a pilot tarmacking scheme on Manor Way footpaths and Cllr. Andrews was asked to ascertain whether there would be any extension of this project.
2. Station Road Toilets Application for Fylde LSP Fund Project Grant (12/114.4) – The Clerk advised that he had submitted the application for £1000-00 towards the Phase 3 of the toilet enhancement programme of £1500-00.
- 1. Location of Waste receptacle Currently by Wray Crescent Bus Stop –The Clerk advised that following his request to ascertain whether FBC would finance a stand up waste bin one is now in situ on the village side of the bus shelter.
- 2. Entry in Lancashire Best Kept Villzage Competition – It was RESOLVED that the Council will pay the entry fee of £20-00 and enter the competition in the same categories as 2011.
- 3. The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee 2-4 June 2012 – It was RESOLVED that a family day would be organised on the main green. This would be advertised in the current newsletter. It was also RESOLVED that a Jubilee tree would be planted on the main green and VLEC would be requested to recommend the species and positioning. VLEC would also be requested to consider the extension of the wild flower area on the main green.
- 4. New Councillors’ Workshop Modules 1 & 2 – Cllr. J.C. Maskell is available on the 7 and 21 July 2012 and it was RESOLVED that the Council would pay the workshop costs.
- 5. Neighbourhood Plan Update & Programme – The meeting was opened from 20.41 hours to 20.51 hours. Westby with Plumptons Parish Council had objected to any of that parish being included in the Neighbourhood Plan but the chairman of the steering group was in discussion and hoped that this may be overturned. Following a meeting with FBC on
6 December 2011 there were now 96 pages of evidence supporting the plan. A meeting with FBC was arranged for 24 February relating to affordable housing.
- 6. Repeal of Local Government (Discretionary Payments) Regulations 1996 – The Clerk advised that this related to retirement gratuities. However, as this Council was not involved the repeal made no difference.
- 1. Ribby Road – Cllr. J.W. Dobson has raised the state of Ribby Road with Lancashire County Council and is arranging a site meeting with the LCC official(s). Cllr. P.A. Naylor advised that following her contact with LCC the depression in Ribby Road outside 3 Ribby Road is to be repaired. Cllr. J.C. Maskell advised that the railings outside the school were damaged and needed repair.
- 2. Rail Station/Halt – The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group has removed this item from the current plan. The Clerk has been requested to contact Network Rail on this basis and it was RESOLVED that he can write to request that the facilities at Kirkham and Wesham station are improved.
12/128 CLERK’S REPORT (Appendix 1)
This document, which had previously been circulated to all councillors, was noted.
12/129 The Meeting Closed at 22.05 hours. The Next Full Meeting is on the
19 March 2012.
Cllr. J.L. Wardell 19 March 2012