Held At Wrea Green Institute
On 9 JULY 2012 at 19.30 Hours
Present: Cllr. Mrs. J.L. Wardell (Chairman), Cllrs. J.W. Dobson, K.J. Lupton, J.C. Maskell, J.M. Molyneux, Mrs. P.A. Naylor, Mrs. C.E. Wheatman, and
Cty. Cllr. P. Rigby.
There were two members of the public in attendance.
1.1. Apologies: Mrs. A.E. Uphill, and Br. Cllr. F.A. Andrews.
1.2. Declarations of Interests: None received.
13/43 The MINUTES of the Meetings of the 12 June 2012, which had previously been circulated to all councillors, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
1.Report from Community Beat Officer – PC Gary Cross advised that there were seven reported crimes since the last meeting – five at Ribby Hall Leisure village and two within the village. The village crimes were a drug saga (possession of controlled drugs) on Field Day on the Grapes car park (3 arrested) and an unattended mobile phone theft at a wedding reception at the Villa. The Ribby Hall incidents were a
domestic incident at a party, 3 static caravan burglaries and drinks stolen from the storeroom. The police are continuing to give security advice at Ribby Hall.
The PACT priorities are anti social behaviour around the centre of the village and speeding within the village. The traffic officer has been to reassess the police site locations including Bryning Lane which previously did not have a site passed on a risk and safety basis.
1. Applications:
12/0353 Martindale, Moss Side Lane
Proposed 2 Storey Dwelling with Basement and Driveway and Alteration to Existing Dwelling Including Amended Driveway.
The meeting was opened from 19.50 hours to 189.54 hours.
No objection on planning issues.
- 2. Fylde Borough Council – Local Plan to 2030 – Consultation –
1) Options- it was RESOLVED that option 5 was preferred and the consultation was completed. (Appendix 6.)
- 3. Neighbourhood Plan Update – The Clerk advised that at the SLCC Conference in York he had gleaned information from Planning Aid, who had directly approached the minister, that the cost of referendum could not be passed on to a parish council by the Legal Planning Authority. Also when the NP is overviewed the independent examiner can extend the scope of the plan and insist that the referendum takes into account additional areas outside the plan’s neighbourhood if it is considered appropriate. In this situation in view of the independent assessment there would be no need to obtain the consent of any neighbouring parish council. There is only a need for a 50% in favour response irrelevant of the numbers. It was also suggested that if the District Council does not have a Core strategy in place it may be preferable initially to go down the Design Statement route until the Deposit Plan is in place.
1. Wray Crescent Play Area Extension – As Cllr. Mrs. A.E. Uphill was not in attendance this issue was deferred until the next meeting. In the meantime a committee meeting is needed.
1.1.Financial Budget Comparisons for the Period Ended 30 June 2012
(Appendix 2) – The Clerk presented the account position which showed that income was well on course at £31862 against the annual budget of £57982.
Expenditure is in line with budgets except for general reserve which is £1208 against £1050 but this excess related to the cost of engraving of the Chairman’s chain at £88, which was agreed in the previous financial year, and the Annual Scribe 2010 Financial software £245 which was in the budget but not in this section. It was RESOLVED that the difference is taken from reserves and the budget limit be increased to £1260.
1.2. It was RESOLVED that the cost of the Parish Liaison Hosting would come from the Chairman ‘s Allowance.
2. Investing £25000 with CCLA- The public Sector Deposit Fund (Appendix 3)– The Clerk outlined the situation and it was RESOLVED that the Council would invest as recommended.
3. Opening a Bank Account at Unity Bank (Appendix 3) – The Clerk advised that historical clearing banks are becoming unhelpful and bureaucratic and as such he suggests that the NatWest account is passed to Unity Trust Bank but only if free banking can be negotiated. Alternatively the main sole banker will become Co-operative Bank.
4. Proposed Alteration to The Clerk’s Mobile Phone (13/36.4) – The Clerk will report back on this topic at the next meeting.
5. Payment of Accounts –
5.1. The following payments were approved:-
2007 HJ Gigg July Salary £581-63 net
2008 L. Weatherby July Salary £217-00 net
2009 HMRC NI & Tax July £159-62 net
2010 HJ Gigg Expenses £ 50-54 net £ 55-22 gr
Computer Cartridges £ 23-38 net £ 28-06 gr
Telephone Top up £ 20-00 net
Hosting Parish Liaison £ 7-16 net
2011 Media 21a June Newsletter £200-00 net £204-00 gr
2012 Principal Hygiene Toilet Supplies £ 34-62 net £ 41-54 gr
2013 J. Wildish Landsc Grass cutting O/S £691-00 net £829-20 gr
2014 PCC R w Wrea Room Hire NP £ 25-50 net
2015 SLCC Enterprise Regional Conference £ 65-00 net £ 78-00 gr
2016 Olympic Group Grant £275-00 net
2017 Wrea Green CC Annual Grant 2011/12 £2000-00 net
2018 Aldi (P. Naylor) VLEC Willow Drive £ 39-80 net £ 47-76 gr
1.1. Lancashire County Councillor Report – Cty. Cllr. P. Rigby had nothing
specific to report. It was agreed that he could place a tasteful sign relating to the Rotary Open Golf caravan site in the centre of the village.
1.2. Fylde Borough Councillor Report – in the absence of Cllr. F.A. Andrews there was no report.
2. Delegated Powers of Rights of Way from Lancashire County Council – The Clerk reported that the parish public rights of way situation still had to be assessed.
3. Affordable Houses at Red Row Site – The Clerk advised that due to the very tight S106 controls that although the Housing Association had planned to let the properties in May there has had major difficulties in releasing the properties and as such one 3 bed still remains empty. The Housing Association is also obviously receiving no rent. As a first step FBC Housing Services is asking whether the PC will reduce the tie on the conditions to meet more normal requirements. It was agreed that the Council would agree to the conditions being eased to the normal Housing Association affordable rules but, at this juncture, only relating to Wrea Green and not widening the policy to neighbouring parishes.
1. Ribby Road Repair (13/38 2.) – The Clerk reported that Andy Ashcroft, LCC Public Realm Manager for Fylde, had put this work to be considered for the 2013/14 budget and it was essential that Cty. Cllr. Rigby gave his support, to which he agreed. It was reported that there is a dangerous hole developing near North View Farm and a appreciable dip across from the Church lychgate. The Clerk will advise LCC.
1.Caudrilla’s Activities Around Wrea Green and Residents’ Perception(13/39.2.) – The Council had received no adverse comments relating to the Caudrilla seismic testing period. It was generally felt that the programme had been fully advised and carried out with due regard to the public.
The meeting was opened from 21.40 hours to 21.43 to allow Mrs. E. Rugman to read out Dr. F. Rugman’s short appraisal ( an expert in this field) of the lack of research/information on the potential health impact of fracking.
2. Closure of St. Josephs Catholic School, Wesham – The clerk advised that a letter has been received from Mark Menzies MP, about the perceived worry in the locakl community that St. Joseph’s will close. Cty. Cllr. P. Rigby reported that this was not the case and only schools with less than 100 pupils were being reviewed. Mark Menzies in his letter confirmed his strong commitment to rural schools, 80% of which have good or outstanding Ofsted reports. The Government is reviewing school funding and he wanted the Parish Council to know his own views on this topic.
1. Three Parishes Dinner (13/40.2) – The Chairman advised that the Dinner is to be at THE Villa on Thursday, 11 October.
2. Members Conduct and registration and disclosure of Their Interests (England) – The Clerk advised that LALC was now recommending that the parishes accepted their district council’s new code of conduct. As FBC will not be ratifying its’ code until 30 July it was RESOLVED that this Council would agree, in principal, the draft document received. Once in force it would then be ratified at the next meeting.
3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests – What is a Pecuniary Interest? – The Clerk advised that it was a criminal offence not to declare a pecuniary interest so members must be very careful in such situations. This position also applies to non members (i.e volunteers)with voting rights on sub committees and committees of the Council.
A member must notify the relevant authority (FBC in this case) within 28 days from the date of membership and also any changes which occur.
Pecuniary interests are where a member:-
a) Has a personal interest
b) The spouse/partner where the member has knowledge of a pecuniary interest.
They include :-
i) Any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain.
ii) Any payment/expenses received (sponsorship) for carrying out duties e.g Trade Union support.
iii) Any contracts in existence.
iv) Any beneficial interest in land or property.
v) Any licence interest.
vi) Tenancies
vii) Securities held with £25000 nominal value or one hundredth of total issued share capital.
4. Initial Look at the Wrea Green Infrastructure Needs an d potential Community Infrastructure Levy Revenue – The Clerk advised that the Localism Act will give the Council authority to register an interest in any “community” asset. It was RESOLVED that councillors would give further consideration to this before the next meeting.
5. Attendees at LALC Autumn Conference – 22 September 2012 – It was
RES OLVED that Cllrs. Dobson and Mrs. Wheatman would attend and the cost of £ 70-00 meet from the training/conference budget.
6. Training Workshop – General Power of Competence – 25 July 2012 – It was RESOLVED that all the councillors and Clerk would need to attend a workshop as and when places were available, and the cost be covered from the training budget.
7. LALC 68th AGM – 10 November 2012 – It was RESOLVED that Cllr. Dobson would attend.
8. LALC AGM Resolutions – Councillors were asked to give consideration for discussion at the August meeting.
9. Dignity at Work (Appendix 5) – The Clerk advised the reason for this paper and it was RESOLVED that the Council would accept the paper.
10. Appointment of Panels – The Clerk advised that it was essential that these panels were in place.
a). Initial Grievance – It was agreed that Cllrs. Maskell, Molyneus and Mrs. Wheatman would form this committee.
b). Grievance Appeal – It was confirmed that Cllrs. Wardell, Dobson and Lupton will form this committee.
11. Lone Working Risk Assessment Review (Appendix 6) – The Clerk advised that it was the members responsibility for the employees and volunteers and there should be a system in place. It was RESOLVED that the Council would accept the paper. Mrs. Lorrine Weatherby will be advised to contact Cllr. Mrs. Wheatman or the Clerk if she is working outside of daylight hours.
13/52 CLERK’S REPORT (Appendix 1)
This document, which had previously been circulated to all councillors, was noted. It was agreed that the Clerk would contact J.A. Jones to correct the list in the jubilee oak tree.
13/53 The Meeting Closed at 20.18 hours.. The Next Full Meeting is on the 13 August 2012.
Cllr. Janet Wardell
Chairman 13 August 2012.