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Fylde Local Plan Publication Version: Public Consultation
Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012
Regulations 19
This is to notify you that the Fylde Local Plan Publication Version will be published for consultation, along with accompanying documents, for a six week period from 11th August 2016 to 5.00pm on 22nd September 2016.
The Council has prepared a Local Plan which will guide development in the borough to 2032. It includes land allocations for new homes and employment, and development management policies, which will inform decisions on planning applications.
Representations are invited on the Publication Version of the Local Plan. The Publication Version is the version of the Local Plan which the Council wishes to adopt. Previously, the Council consulted on the Revised Preferred Option Local Plan, and representations received on that consultation and other earlier consultations have been taken into account in producing the Publication Version. Following this publication consultation, the Publication Version Local Plan will be submitted, together with the representations received in this publication consultation, to the Secretary of State for Examination in Public.
The proposed submission documents are:
The Fylde Local Plan Publication Version;
The Fylde Local Plan Policies Map;
The Infrastructure Delivery Plan;
The Sustainability Appraisal;
The Habitats Regulations Assessment;
The Viability Assessment;
The Fylde Statement of Compliance – Duty to Cooperate;
The Health Impact Assessment;
The Rural Proofing Assessment; and
The Statement of Representations Made Under Regulation 18; and
Evidence documents referred to in the Local Plan (electronically only)
Town Hall, Lytham St. Annes, Lancashire, FY8 1LW
Telephone: 01253 658658 Web:
All of the documents above are available for inspection at at Fylde Direct at 292 Clifton Drive North, St Annes, FY8 1LH and at libraries throughout the borough.
Any representation should be made in accordance with the Statement of Representations Procedure which accompanies this letter.
You are receiving this letter because your contact details are held on our Register of Consultees database. If you no longer wish to be consulted on Planning Policy matters, and/or the contact details are incorrect, please let us know either by phone 01253 658418 or email [email protected]