Held At Wrea Green Institute
On 15 OCTOBER 2012 at 19.30 Hours
Present: Cllr. Mrs. J.L. Wardell (Chairman), Cllrs. J.W. Dobson, K.J. Lupton, J.C. Maskell, J.M. Molyneux, Mrs. P.A. Naylor, Mrs. A.E. Uphill (arrive at 19.35 Hours), Mrs. C.E. Wheatman, and Br. Cllr. F.A. Andrews.
There were seven members of the public in attendance.
1.1. Apologies: None.
1.2. Declarations of Interests: None received.
2. Written Requests for New SPI Dispensation: None received.
13/82 The MINUTES of the Meeting of the 18 September 2012, which had previously been circulated to all councillors, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
1.Report from Community Beat Officer – PC Gary Cross advised that there had been 4 crimes since the last meeting. A patio window broken by a paving stone at Smithy Fold and 2 break-ins at the same caravan on Ribby Hall Leisure complex. There was also a car, with keys in the lock, stolen from Moss Side Lane.
Cllr. Mrs. Uphill arrived at this stage.
During the last few weeks there has been evidence of low level anti social behaviour at 3 a.m. to 4 a.m. in Ribby Avenue, believed to be 4/5 youngster aged 20-25. The police are monitoring.
The Roadwatch scheme is going well, with17 letters having been sent to drivers. PC Cross is also following up unwanted cold calling incidents by a double glazing firm.
PACT priorities this month, parking, speed assessment and a newsletter drop is being planned. The police were advised of the planned Bonfire Night activities. 2.Police Commissioner Election, Consultation and Presentation – See
Appendix 4 for response.
3. Remembrance Sunday – 11 November 2012 – As the Council has to apply for road closure permission this year there is a need for official marshals and Cllrs. Lupton and Molyneux volunteered.
1. Applications:
12/0561 8 Wray Crescent
Proposed Two Storey Side Extension and Front Porch
No Objection.
12/0573 The Croft, Mill Lane
Proposed Two Storey Side Extension
No Objection
2. Draft Affordable Housing Survey – The Draft Survey was discussed and it was generally agreed that it was far from the finished article and contained no recommendation. It is hoped that the finished document would be more professional.
1. Wray Crescent Play Area Extension (13/74 1) – The Clerk advised that he had sent a request to Fylde Borough Council regarding the release of the Redrow section 106 moneys.
2. Quarterly Play Area Inspection Report Update September 2012 – The Clerk advised that the FBC Inspection Report, which had been circulated to councillors prior to the meeting, had indicated that there was only modest risk and all minor deficiencies were receiving attention.
3. Dub Noticeboard – The Clerk reported that this noticeboard had been removed and that councillors should advise him if the whereabouts were known.
4. Hole in the Green – Cllr. Dobson reported that 2 Outreach workers had attended the hole and that he had given them the Clerk’s contact number.
1..Financial Budget Comparisons for the Period Ended 30 September 2012
(Appendix 2) – The Clerk presented the current financial situation, the information had been circulated to councillors before the meeting. There had been little income since the last meeting but overall it is well on course at £56728 against the annual budget of £57982, and is still expected to exceed this figure. Expenditure to date at £27248 is maintained within agreed budgets. The position was accepted and accounts were noted and approved.
2. Insurance for the Year Ended 30 September 2013 (Appendix 3) – The insurance information had been circulated to councillors prior to the meeting. The Clerk advised that the Council’s three year agreement concludes in 2014. However, the Council is satisfactorily covered for all foreseen liabilities and the cost has been kept to a reasonable level. Public Liability and Employers Liability are both £10m and Fidelity insurance £100,000. The Council APPROVED the insurance position.
3. Fylde Borough Council Play Area Service Agreement (Appendix 5)– The Clerk advised that the Borough’s Service Agreement to carry out the monthly, quarterly, and annual risk assessments, as well as undertaking repairs at the play area had been increased by circa 3% this financial year to £1081-50.
4 . Payment of Accounts –
4.1. The following payments were confirmed:-
2046 Broker Network Annual insurance £1017.14 net
2047 Media 21a Autumn Newsletter £ 200-00 net £ 204-00 gr
2048 United Utilities Allotment Water £ 35-00 net
2053 The Villa Three Parish Dinner £101-10 net
4.2. The following payments were approved :-
100382 HJ Gigg October Salary £581-63 net
100383 L. Weatherby October Salary £315-00 net
100384 HMRC NI & Tax October £159-62 net
2049 J.Wildish Land Grass cutting £318-00 net £ 381-60 gr
2050 Jimmy’s Firewks Bonfire Night £949-79 net £1139-75 gr
2051 HJ Gigg Computer Cartridges £ 27-38 net £ 32-88 gr
2054 Co-operative BankBank Transfer £10000-00 net
2055 W/G Twinning Agreed Grant £ 250-00 net
5. Budget Meeting 2012 – It was RESOLVED that the full budget meeting will take place on 10 December 2012 prior to the full normal Council meeting.
1.1. Lancashire County Councillor Report – In the absence of Cty. Cllr.
P. Rigby there was no report.
1.2. Fylde Borough Councillor Report – Br. Cllr. F.A. Andrews reported that the FBC policy for approving the unsustainable Richmond Avenue proposal for 55 dwellings had provoked major village unrest. He had had a meeting with our MP to discuss government policy which does not seem to coincide with the borough interpretation. .
Cllr. Andrews had also ascertained that the planning officer had advised the applicant at 54 Bryning Lane to increase numbers from 14 to 25 and he has taken issue with him on this point.
The meeting was opened from 20.50 hour to 20.58 hours to allow the public to contribute. It was then RESOLVED that the Clerk would write to our MP, Nick Bole, Under Secretary of State (Planning), Mark Prisk MP, Under Secretary of State of State (Housing) and Rt. Hon. Eric Pickles MP, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government to obtain a clear indication of current government planning and housing policy. The Clerk is also to contact the Leader of the Fylde Borough Council, Cllr. David Eaves, to outline this Council’s dismay at the recent unsatisfactory planning developments.
2. Delegated Powers of Rights of Way from Lancashire County Council – The Clerk reported that the parish public rights of way still had to be assessed due to the very wet weather and it was preferable to leave this topic off the agenda.
3. Amenity Cleaning – The Clerk advised that the Amenity timetable had been circulated to all councillors. It was RESOLVED that councillors should now monitor their areas to ensure that the programme is being maintained,
1. 2. National Road Safety Week 19-25 November 2012 –
a.) Permission to Put up Banners in the Village –Ean Lewin advised the Council of the background to Road safety week. He also advised of the SpID statistics and it showed that the 20 mph speed limit was having little effect. There were not enough police monitoring speed and community education was the key. It was also apparent that the SpID itself was less of a deterrent than it was initially. It was agreed that although a banner could not go onto the railings for safety reasons the councillors would assist in finding appropriate sites and help approach the individuals on whose property it was considered suitable to hang a banner.
b). Request for a Small Grant – Mr. Lewin has approached BAe Systems to sponsor the event locally. It was RESOLVED that the Council would give a grant of £500-00 towards the purchase of banners/ other aids. The grant would come out of the be Village Activities Grant budget as the Senior Citizens’ Dinner is not taking place this year and the Amenity Reserve budget of £203 can also be allocated for this.
2. Bonfire Night 5 December 2012 (13/77 4) – The Clerk reminded councillors of the a need to attend the event as stewards to meet the conditions of the Council’s insurance.
1. Public Participation at Meetings – The Chairman advised that she had been criticised for allowing too much non council participation. The Clerk reminded councillors that this was covered in standing orders and currently the meetings are opened at times when public participation is considered warranted. In accordance with normal protocol, the Chairman has complete control in such situations. The Chairman RESOLVED that, in future, only the elected parish members would be allowed to speak within closed sessions. The county and ward councillors would still have a regular slot on the agenda and could participate on the basis of other attendees when necessary. Other than the prescribed slots the chairman could also open up the meetings, when required, to ask for information or allow participation of the county and ward councillor..
2. Purchase of Digital Mapping Support System – The clerk advised that several councillors had attended a presentation by Pear Technology covering digital mapping. The facility would be a useful tool and bring the Council into the 21st. Century. However, it is difficult to definitely confirm at this stage whether it would be value for money. The package cost is £500-00 including training and setting up the digital requirement of this Council. The ongoing annual technical support cost would then be £125-00. It was RESOLVED that whilst it would be “nice” to have this aid it was better to defer a decision for 12 months when the Council would have background information to fully assess the worth/need.
3. Purchase of Laptop and Projector – The Clerk reported that it was perhaps time that the Council purchased a laptop and projector at a maximum cost of £700-00. It was RESOLVED that further consideration was appropriate and perhaps be included in the forthcoming budget deliberations.
4. LCTP Chairmanship Workshop – 21 November 2012 – It was RESOLVED that no councillor wished to attend.
5. LCTP Finance Workshop – 12 December 2012 – It was RESOLVED that no councillor needed to attend.
6. CPRE/NALC Neighbourhood Plans – “Getting Started” Workshops –
19 January 2013 – It was RESOLVED that this training aid was too late for this Council.
13/90 CLERK’S REPORT (Appendix 1)
This document, which had previously been circulated to all councillors, was noted.
13/91 The Meeting Closed at 22.12 hours. The Next Full Meeting is on the
12 November 2012.
Cllr. Mrs. Janet Wardell 12 November 2012