Parish Council Minutes
14 NOVEMBER 2011 at 20.00 Hours
Present: Cllr . Mrs. J.L. Wardell (Chairman), Cllrs. J.W. Dobson, K.J. Lupton,
Mrs. P.A. Naylor, Mrs. A.E. Uphill, Mrs. C.E. Wheatman and Cty. Cllr. P. Rigby
There were five members of the public in attendance.
1.1. Apologies: Cllrs. J.M. Molyneux, and Br. Cllr. F.A. Andrews.
1.2. Declarations of Interest: None received.
12/84 The MINUTES of the Annual Meeting of the 10 October 2011, which had previously been circulated to all councillors, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
1.Report from Community Beat Officer – PC Cross reported that there had been two reported crimes since the last meeting. A theft from the Spa Hotel and a domestic assault, both at Ribby Village Leisure Village.
The PC and PCSO had a safety talk at the school regarding Halloween and Bonfire nights. To help obviate the continual speeding problems through the village, in the New Year PC Cross intends setting up a data base of village volunteers who will undertake speed gun training. There will be a traffic police presence at the next PACT meeting to answer traffic related questions. The good news is that following the consultation process the Kirkham Police station front office is to continue.
Operation “Starling” relating to scrap theft undertook a local exercise stopping commercial vehicles and one van was caught with illegal scrap.
Cllr. Dobson advised PC Cross of the Christmas switch-on date.
1. Applications:
11/ 0716 Holmhurst & Grayline, The Green/Mill Lane
Resubmission of Planning permission 11/0544 to Change Pitched
Roof to Flat Roof with Lantern Roof Light on Single Storey Rear
The Council OBJECT to the proposal as the intended flat roof is against Fylde Borough Council (FBC) policy “Extending Your Home Supplementary Planning Document” and is also not suitable within the Conservation Area. Moreover, the original application would not have been supported if this change had been included.
- 2. Upgrading Countryside Status Around the Village to Green Belt – The Meeting was opened from 20.15 Hours to 20.19 hours for resident participation. As part of the Neighbourhood Plan it has been recommended that to protect the settlement from over development, the countryside designation around the village is upgraded to Green Belt status. Although this will not be an easy exercise it was RESOLVED that the Council would aim to have the Eastern side of the village changed from countryside to Green Belt status as a buffer against development from Kirkham and Ribby Hall Leisure Village.
- 3. Open Meeting Re 54 Bryning Lane – An embryonic development of 10-15 houses was discussed and it was agreed that it would formally be considered in principle at the budget meeting on 5 December 2011.
Open Spaces and Greens:
1. Land Adjacent Wray Crescent Play Area (12/75.1.) – The Clerk advised that matters were still progressing and it is now hoped that the legal matters will be concluded by the end of this month.
2. Play Area Progress (12/75.2) – Cllr. Mrs. A.E. Uphill advised that despite chasers Proludic had been very dilatory in producing a revised quotation. It was RESOLVED that Cllr. Mrs. Uphill should contact and complain to the Proludic Nottingham head office. Wicksteed is, however, wishing to give another quotation. Cllr. J.W. Wardell advised that her meeting with “Good as Grass” had gone well.
The Clerk reported that as the land will shortly be transferred to this Council it was now appropriate for the Village Play Area Committee to be formally set up and ratified by the Parish Council..
The Clerk also advised that to obviate the smaller gate being left open Fylde Borough Council has now removed the original holding bolt so that the gate will always close automatically.
- 4. Date for Wray Crescent Land Council Meeting –
In view of the imminent transfer of the Wray Crescent Land a Committee meeting to discuss proposals to place before the full council was agreed on the
14 December 2011.
1.Financial Budget Comparisons for the Period Ended 31 October 2011 (Appendix 2) – The Clerk presented the account position which showed that income was in excess overall. The only income still to come is some tub sponsorship (Clerk chasing), North Fylde Housing Beverley Close open space contribution (invoice sent), 2 quarters bank interest, 1 quarter Vat refund reclaim, Bonfire Night bucket collection, new income from Wray Crescent garages and the agreed CCTV contribution from the Pre-school. All expenditure is currently within budgets. The position was noted and authorised.
It was agreed that payments made tonight which would exceed the VLEC/Fylde in Bloom budget could be met and to ensure no overall increase in expenditure, be covered by the reduction of other budgets, this to be decided at the next full Council meeting.
2.1. The following payments were approved for payment:-
1922 HJ Gigg November Salary £ 436-23 net
1924 HMRC Tax & NIC -November £ 309-84 net
1925 L Weatherby November Salary £ 308-00 net
1926 J.Wildish Landscps Grass Cutting Open Spaces £ 120-00 net £ 144-00 gr
1927 Principal Hygiene Toilet Supplies £ 34-62 net £ 41-54 gr
1928 WGPC Comty Cent Neighbourhood Plan Consultn £ 24-00 net
1929 Alan Burrows Station Road Toilets Repairs £ 72-25 net
1930 Acer Contracts Winter Treatment – Willow Dr £120-00 net £ 144-00 gr 100346 R. Lancaster & Son £3868-75 net £4642-51gr Contract Work £3144-25 net£3773-11 gr
Contract Green Work £ 724-50 net£ 869-40 gr
100347 P. Naylor Christmas Tree Selection £ 41-67 net£ 50-01 g.r
100348 P. Green VLEC Tub Maintenance £ 135-00 net
100349 Media 21a Winter Newsletter £ 180-00 net
1931 R.Lancaster & Son £1882-00 net£2258-40 gr
Cricket Outfield £ 532-00 net £ 638-40 gr
VLEC Watering Tubs £1350-00 net£1620-00 gr
1932 HJ Gigg £ 108-39 net£ 116-87 gr War Memorial Land Registry£ 16-00 net
Mobile Phone Top Up £ 50-00 net
Computer Cartridges £ 42-39 net £ 50-87 gr
1933 FBC Wreaths for Remembrance £ 40-00 net
1934 ASL Stone War Memorial Stone £2600-68 net£3120-82 gr
It was RESOLVED that in pursuance of the powers conferred in section 137 of LGA 1972 (as amended) and being that the expenditure covered in respect of the purchase of the Remembrance Sunday Wreaths satisfies the requirements of that section.
At the request of Cllr. J. W. Dobson the payment to Neil Cottam for the War Memorial work in the sum of £1750-00 was to be referred to the Joint War Memorial committee for a decision as Cllr. Dobson first wanted damage to the area to be rectified by the contractor. The decision of the Joint War Memorial Committee would be determine when this payment is to be made.
1.1. Lancashire County Councillor Report – Cty. Cllr. P. Rigby reported That LCC & BAe Systems are going for Enterprise Zone status. Warton Parish Council is very much in favour. LCC is pursing devolution of powers wherever possible. The Three Tier Forum strategy is rolling out – the Fylde Forum will comprise of 6 county, 6 borough and 1 parish/town councillors. LCC is also committed to the Town and Parish Council Charter.
1.2. Fylde Borough Councillor Report – There had been no significant developments since the last Council meeting so there was no report.
2. Missing Street Names – Cllr. J.W. Dobson reported that it was unsatisfactory that the Browns Lane street sign had been missing for 2 years and a Westbourne Avenue sign for 6 months. The Clerk advised that FBC had informed him when the Willow Drive sign was replaced that there was no further funding available this financial year. The meeting was opened from 20.55 hours to 20.56 hours and it was ascertained that the Westbourne Road sign was to be erected very shortly and PCSO Sterling was dealing with this matter. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would approach FBC again regarding the Browns Lane sign.
- 5. Village Litter Bins –
Cllr. J.W. Dobson reported that the bin on the Greenlands Farm stretch on Ribby Road was missing and needed replacement. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would contact FBC in this respect.
1. North West in Bloom Competition (12/78 1) – The Chairman attended the presentation and advised that the village received a Silver award for 2012, which was not as good as last year.
2.Neighbourhood Plan 2011 (12/78 2) – The Clerk advised that favourable consultation responses have now been received for in excess of 50% of the electorate. The next meeting is on 15 November which will be followed by a meeting with the Borough Council to discuss any issues that the district council raises.
3.Bonfire Night – 5 November 2011 –It was unanimously agreed that the night had again been a wonderful village activity and success. The bucket collection proceeds were also at a record level and in excess of £1000-00.
4.Allotment Society meeting – 19 October 2011 (Appendix 7) – The details were previously submitted to all councillors and noted.
5. Village Landscape Enhancement Committee – Meeting 13 October 2011 (Appendices 3 & 4) – These minutes had previously been circulated to all councillors and were noted.
6. Joint War Memorial Meeting Minutes – 13 October 2011 (Appendix 6) – The minutes had been previously circulated to councillors and were noted.
7. Remembrance Sunday – 13 November 2011 – Remembrance Sunday had been very well attended and the recent enhancement to the War Memorial was certainly impressive. Unfortunately, the Council was let down by last year’s bugler, who had originally agreed to attend, too late to obtain a replacement. It was RESOLVED that this need is mentioned in the next newsletter. In the meantime, the clerk will search for bugler for 2012.
8. Celebration of the Queens Diamond Jubilee – 4 June 2011 – This topic, which has a main programme of Jubilee beacons, including church tower beacons, was discussed including the insurance considerations and it was RESOLVED that the Council would like to be involved. It was agreed that the Institute be approached to see whether a joint exercise could be undertaken in line with the Bonfire Night activities.
1.Christmas Activities –
1.1. Meeting Minutes 10 October 2011 (Appendix 5) – The minutes had been previously circulated to all councillors and were noted.
1.2. Update – Cllr. Mrs. P.A. Naylor advised that a further meeting had taken place prior to the full Council meeting. All matters are in hand. The tree is to be delivered the week commencing 21 November and the lights added as soon as possible thereafter by JM Services (North West). The Guardian Brass Band is to play from 4.30 a.m. to 5.30 a.m. with switch-on by the Rose Queen, Amber Metherill at 4.45 a.m. The carols will be selected and sung by the primary school children. The Olympic Committee is selling mulled wine and minced pies.
There will also be a primary school poster competition with Keith White judging with a prize of £20-00 or donated art goods to be given.
2. Councillor Vacancy – The Clerk advised that today was the last day to apply for an election but there were no candidates. It will now be appropriate to advertise for co-option.
3. LALC – Notes of Concern from External Auditors – The Clerk advised the councillors of the three issues currently causing concerns with the External auditors:-
a) There is no longer a legal requirement for small bodies to conduct an internal audit review separate from annual review of internal controls. It is recommended that this previous good practice is maintained.
b) The public inspection rights requirement remains but when a Clerk is based at home there is no problem arranging inspection by appointment.
c) Some local councils are submitting annual returns approved by sub committees instead of the full council – not in our case.
All aspects were noted.
5.LLALC – Finance Workshop – 7 December 2011 – It was RESOLVED that
no one would attend.
12/92 CLERK’S REPORT (Appendix 1)
This document, which had previously been circulated to all councillors, was noted.
12/93 The Meeting Closed at 21.25 hours. The next Full Meeting is on the
12 December and The Budget Meeting on 5 December 2011.
Cllr. J. L. Wardell
Chairman 12 December 2011