Our Environment and Landscape
Joint Lancashire Structure Plan/Fylde Local Plan Proposals:
Renewal and enhancement of the landscape by woodland and hedgerow management, pond conservation and creation, sympathetic new woodland planting and creation of wetland and other semi-natural habitats and habitat links.
Village Plan Proposals:
Support Structure and Local Plans
Consider extension of conservation area.
The Green
Conserve and enhance the essential open character
Resist additional tree planting and formal flower beds
Continue programme of maintenance and improvement for amenity and sports use.
The Dub
Manage habitat diversity
Monitor erosion
Manage ducks/waterfowl and feeding
Monitor water quality
Monitor/review fishing permit scheme
Small Greens
Enhance the setting of the Millennium Clock
Introduce hanging basket trees/floral displays on the small green in front of the Spar/Post Office
Footpath Network
Enhance and extend public footpath network
Improve signage/stiles
Encourage verge and hedgerow management
Introduce wild flowers to verges
Promote greater public awareness e.g. leaflets/maps etc
Street Furniture
Rationalise street furniture styles/colours
Phase replacement of old concrete-ended benches around The Green with well-designed timber benches
Village Entrances
Introduce Welcome signs
Promote hedgerow/verge management
Introduce bulb planting to verges
Wray Crescent and Playground
Improve landscaping at entrance to Wray Crescent
Consider floral displays/permanent landscaping
Encourage hedgerow management at playground
Ensure permanent landscaping to any additional future facilities
Develop land surrounding the playground into a Village park
Other green spaces within the Village:
These include the War Memorial Garden; Church Garden; School Garden; public open space at Beverley Close, The Brooklands, Willow Drive, First Avenue/Station Road and the rich and diverse private gardens.
Continue management and encourage enhancement/development e.g. Northwest in Bloom Competition
Continue participation in Fylde in Bloom
Environmental Issues
Encourage waste minimalisation and recycling
Encourage the use of the Institute’s bottle bank
Eco Schools’ programme.
Increase community awareness and responsibility
Improve co-ordination with Fylde Borough Council cleansing services
Dog Control:
Raise public awareness of the issue
Encourage the two Fylde Borough Council Dog Wardens to be more vigilant in the Village
Encourage dog owners to be more responsible and be aware of health hazards, particularly for children
Investigate the provision of more dog waste bins
Village Hall (without any outdoor sports facilities)
Consult with Wrea Green Institute to obtain their agreement in principle to use part of their land, within their own requirements
Consider possible methods of access
Consult with Fylde Borough Council and Lancashire Highways Directorate
Revive the Wrea Green Village Hall Committee
Draw up plans
Applications for funding will submitted to various bodies, with the help of Fylde Borough Council officers
Start fundraising
Community Welfare
Create a Welfare Committee within and specifically for the Village
Provide accommodation for the service providers
Advertise the various social/community groups within the Village, their requirements for funding and for volunteers
Wrea Green’s Young People
Set up a Young People’s Council, which will report the results of its deliberations to the Parish Council at its regular meetings
Survey the provision wanted by all Village young people
Develop the support provided for youngsters by the sports organisations and the Parish Council
Set up twinning exchanges with Saint Bris le Vineux, taking in a variety of activities
Wrea Green’s Young People’s Club
A survey of club members’ requirements
Pursue the provision of a part-time youth leader
Consider increase in hours of opening
Encourage parental support/rota of help
Extend links with Ribby Hall
Sport and Active Leisure
Set up an umbrella group
Complete a survey of existing clubs and facilities
Seek views of residents
Organise the process of encouraging residents to get active
Provide information and meet to exchange views and best practice
Introduce specialist talks and presentations
Support the Village Hall plan
Promote the development of village facilities
Support actions to increase the use of Ribby Hall facilities
Work closely with the Richard J Wilson Sports Foundation
Provide all weather surface and changing rooms on Wray Crescent playing field.
Links with Ribby Hall Holiday Village
Foster awareness that we are all part of Ribby with Wrea Village
Encourage the coming together of Ribby Hall Holiday Village Management and Ribby with Wrea Parish Council for our mutual benefit
Plan ways of working together in all areas of interest to both parties.
Voluntary Activity
Formalise Volunteer support
Create Village Volunteers database
Circulate Villagers with information
Identify areas/groups requiring support
Search for new requirements/opportunities
Call for additional volunteers
Identify training needs
Create a web page within the Village website
Secure funding opportunities
Senior Villagers
Establish a Senior Villagers Action group
Conduct a Village survey to identify concerns
Organise open meeting with LCC Social Services
Consider Age Concern’s Caring Neighbourhood Scheme
Develop Senior Villagers’ Action Plan
Enlist the help of volunteers
Organise communication focal point
Create links with other agencies and support organisations
Develop existing ‘drop in’ activity at the Institute
Crime and Disorder
Explore with Lancashire County Council the implementation of the Road Safety requirements
Ensure that repeat traffic offenders are brought to book
Encourage the school to set up a School Travel Plan
Examine the current youth facilities and the possibilities of further provision
Set up a Youth Council to discuss and advise on young people’s ideas and concerns
Mount an anti-litter campaign to include education for all
Actively canvass appropriate Villagers to volunteers as special constables
Neighbourhood Watch groups to be set up and existing groups enthused
Establish a permanent base in the Village for the Community Beat manager
Learning and Experience
Wrea Green Pre-School
Improve access, using efficient traffic calming measures and warning of the proximity of small children and elderly residents
Landscaping work around its premises to enhance the environment
A new footpath to link with the present network to encourage walking to pre-school, playground etc
Develop land surrounding pre-school into a Village park.
Ribby Hall Pre-School
Set up a discounted transport system or a ‘pick-up’ service to reduce school-run traffic through the Village
Proposal for both:
Obtain and publish information about pre-school links with primary school
Ribby with Wrea Endowed CE Primary School
Encourage parents to organise ‘walking buses’ – schoolchildren forming a crocodile to walk to school, with parents to escort
Encourage parents to park in the Institute car park
Discourage put-down/pick-up parking on double yellow lines
Better litter control
Flower tubs to be maintained during school holidays
Improve information on the Governing body representation process
Request a review of the entrance rules
Make information available on other faith schools in the area
Review primary school links with secondary schools
Secondary Education
Request local representation on governing bodies
Discounted travel arrangements
Anti-litter notices (warnings) on all school buses
Higher/Further Education
Initiate co-ordinated seminars on course availability
Organise open meetings between current graduates/undergraduates and 16-18years olds to discuss courses
Make available details of courses for retired/unemployed people and details of Open University courses
Develop outreach courses with local Colleges of Further Education.
Specialist input
Encourage local experts to give talks or hold open meetings
Make closer contact with BA Systems, Ribby Hall Holiday Village regarding resources
Encourage closer links with Further and Higher Education colleges and universities
Seek links for the training of volunteers – Blackpool Council for Voluntary Service
Seek links with local professional bodies
Review of local input by various occupations to provide information for career interests or wider knowledge e.g. farming, catering, dentistry, hairdressing etc
Encourage leisure organisations e.g. art/walking/theatre clubs
Provision of information
Development and Industry in Wrea Green
Development Proposals:
Support affordable housing development on a modest scale in Wrea Green, providing it conforms with the Village environmental culture and its infrastructure
Due to the Village infrastructure being under such pressure (e.g. the school, roads, sewers etc), we strongly oppose any further development which has not already obtained Outline Planning Permission
Commercial Development and Employment
Encourage the present industries in the Village to expand to employ more personnel, provided the expansion is within brown field site areas
Encourage Villagers to make every effort to support Village industries and businesses
The Parish Council will make every effort to help locate local light industry and to support expansion of existing industry
It will also consult with outside agencies (such as the North West Development Agency and the Kirkham and Rural Fylde Partnership)
Conservation Area
Extend the boundaries of the current conservation area
Canvass the views of the residents in the proposed extended area
Liaise with Fylde Building Planning officers
Make bus travel more attractive
Improve rail services and stations
Lobby for a new railway station at Wrea Green in line with Lancashire County Council’s Transport Plan
Improve Kirkham station
Enforcement of parking restrictions
Measures to assist pedestrians and cyclists
Speed limit enforcement and traffic calming measures
Re-signing to direct Lytham traffic away from the Village