Field Day Rose Queens
1924 Blanche Harrison
1925 Not known
1926 Mary Harrison
1927 Not known
1928 Elsie Fenton
1929 Jennie Whiteside (Bonney)
1930 Rene Laurance ( Hornby)
1931 Mary Bilsborough
1932 Miss Cardwell
1933 Monica Marsden
1934 Mary Bancroft
1935 Jean Crompton
1936 Barbara McCall
1937 Not known
1938 Gertrude Lancaster (Kirkham) plus Connelley’s Old English Fair
1939 Nora Parkinson
1940-45 Event not held during the war years
1946 Shirley Palmer – it rained!
1947-49 Not known
1950 Joan Farrington
1951-52 Not known
1953 Phillis Dobson
1954 Anne Jones
1955 Doreen Halsall ( Walter)
1956 Not known
1957 Yvonne Smith
1958 Eileen Kirkam
1959 Jennifer Parker
1960 Marion Higginson plus Hamers Fair
1961 Jean Dobson
1962 Jacqualine Harrison
1963 Sylvia Wright
1964 Valerie Alston
1965 Sylvia Bamber
1966 Ann Whiteside
1967 Elizabeth Bamber
1968 Linda Nejzer
1969 Anaja Arrowsmith
1970 Myra McQuillan – Jubilee Year
1971 Gillian Leyland
1972 Marylin Jackson
1973 Fiona Jolly
1974 Ann Critchley
1975 Andrea Nejzer
1976 Sally Howl
1977 Jill Gregson
1978 Tanya Nevin
1979 C Whitehead
1980 Catherine Johnson
1981 C Marsden
1982 H Morgan
1983 Angela Unsworth
1984 Marketta Wardle
1985 Helen Johnson
1986 Angela Whiteside
1987 Susan Walton
1988 Nicola King
1989 Charlotte Smith
1990 Emma Glen
1991 S J Allen
1992 Mary Stewart
1993 Amy Lancaster
1994 Tracy Heywood
1995 Joanna Lancaster
1996 Charlotte Rigby
1997 Jenna Rees
1998 Lucy Johnson
1999 Sarah Hargreaves
2000 Dawn Gilbert
2001 Leah Gregson
2002 Lucy Blaze
2003 Amy Pemberton
2004 Jessica Mattler
2005 Helen Johnson
2006 Claire Harbourne
2007 Alice Ann Eastham
2008 Helen Bradbrook
2009 Victoria Greensmith
2010 Jessica England
2011 Amber Metherell
2012 Jessica Millar
2013 Ella Cocksey
2014 Holly Wensley
2015 Eponie Jones
2016 Charlotte Vos
2017 Olivia Hunt
If you can help to fill in some of the missing names, we would be pleased to hear from you.
Each year we invite nominations for Rose Queen from around the local area and all eligible nominations are put into a hat and one lucky name is then drawn.
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