Wrea Green Field Day in Jeopardy
Wrea Green Field Day is in jeopardy as there are not enough people to arrange the event for 2013. Recent departures from the Committee, including the Chair Jack Dobson, have meant that there are now only five remaining Committee Members and this is not enough to organise Field Day. Whilst these five are committed and enthusiastic, we need at least five more people to join us, including a new Chairperson and Treasurer.
Committee members currently are:
Julia Denham (Secretary)
Kim Bradbrook
Debbie Bell
Sherron Pickervance
Steve Metherell
More committee members are needed, as the five existing people cannot undertake all the tasks involved to make Field Day happen. Tasks include coordinating the entertainment , organising the Rose Queen and publicising the event. The Committee would welcome an injection of new ideas.
Field Day is the village carnival day and the community will be the poorer if we are unable to continue to stage this enjoyable event. For committee members, there is a great sense of satisfaction to be gained from helping to organise a successful day. Please join us and help to shape future Field Days.
Please do not think that somebody else will always volunteer. We have tried various ways of recruiting in the past but without much success. If we don’t have ten members by 31st October it is almost certain that Field Day will not go ahead in 2013.
If you would be interested in joining the Committee please contact Julia Denham, telephone 01772 672754, mobile 07503737770 or email [email protected] or talk to any of the Committee members.