It is Lancashire County Council’s intention to resurface Station Road, Wrea Green, Westby-with-Plumptons, between Ribby Road and Barncroft House.
The works are to commence on Thursday 9 February 2017 and are programmed, subject to weather conditions, to be completed by Friday 24 February 2017, a total of 2 weeks.
Due to the nature of the works, the narrow width of the carriageway and the requirement to provide a safe working environment it will be necessary to close the road. A diversion route will be in operation. Unfortunately access/egress to adjacent properties will be disrupted whilst the works are in progress.
It will be of great assistance if you would arrange to park any vehicle in another location during normal daytime working hours. Please accept LCC apologises for any inconvenience that this may cause.
We would welcome your feedback following completion of the works; this feedback will enable us to ensure we are consistently delivering a high level of service and to help inform future improvements. If you can take a few minutes to complete a short online survey which is available at www.lancashire.gov.uk/roadsurvey it would be appreciated. If you don’t have access to the internet and would like to complete the survey please call us on the number above.
If you require any further information, have any specific/essential access requirements or need to discuss any issues whilst the actual resurfacing works are in progress, telephone 0300 123 6780 and ask for Graham Wilcock.