Held At Wrea Green Institute
On 8 AUGUST 2011 at 19.30 Hours
Present: Cllr. Mrs. J.L. Wardell (Chairman), Cllrs. J.W. Dobson,
K.J. Lupton, J.M. Molyneux, Mrs. P.A. Naylor, Cllr. Mrs. A.E. Uphill
Mrs. C.E. Wheatman, and Cty. Cllr. P. Rigby
There were 11 members of the public in attendance.
1.1. Apologies: Cllr. D. Diggle, and Br. Cllr. F.A. Andrews
1.2. Declarations of Interest: None received.
12/50 The MINUTES of the Annual Meeting of the 11 July 2011, which had previously been circulated to all councillors, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
1.IInspector Keith Ogle – Inspector Ogle was not in attendance.
2. Report from Community Beat Officer – PCSO Trevor Sterling reported there had been 3 reported crimes since the last meeting – a burglary of 2 bicycles from a shed at Ribby Hall Leisure Village, a burglary on Ribby Road where a back door had been left open, and an I-phone was stolen on Field Day.
The PACT priority this month affecting Wrea Green was anti-social behaviour on the Green. The “Op Pathway” speed enforcement team will be in Wrea Green in August. He was also pleased to advise that parking on pavements had shown a reducing trend following several exercises. Also the “lower key” policing on Field Day had been very well received and effective.
PC Dawn Conolly-Perch leaves in September and PCSO Sterling will introduce her replacement at the next meeting.
There is a new style of newsletter which gives all contact details.
3. Future of Kirkham Police Station – Cllr. Mrs. C.E. Wheatman reported that she had attended a meeting which indicated that the Police Authority proposes saving £1m per annum by closing 21 station enquiry desks, including Kirkham which only records a 19% footfall. It is proposed that overall contact arrangements will be improved. The Authority is also considering sharing premises with other public organisations. There is a 9% front line cut and all other options are said to have been considered. Communication remains the key to ensure service levels are maintained. Cllr. Mrs. Wheatman encouraged all councillors to complete the consultation document in the hope that sufficient protest would save the Kirkham counter. It was RESOLVED that the Parish Council would also complete this document.
1. Applications:
11/0480 57 Bryning Lane
Proposed One and Half and Two Storey Extension together with
Associated Alterations to the Existing Detached Two Storey Dwelling.
No Objection
11/0520 Langtons Farm, Ribby Road
Change of use of Redundant Barn to Two Holiday Cottages and a
Single Storey Extension to the Rear East Courtyard Side of Barn.
The Meeting was opened from 20.15hours to 20.16 hours for public dialogue.
No Objection
11/0541 1 Richmond Avenue
Proposed First Floor Extension to Front and Rear and Single
Extension to Side and Rear.
No Objection
11/0542 The Villa, Moss Side Lane
Proposed variation of Condition 6 on Planning Permission 10/0862
to Allow Amplified Live Singer(s) to Perform in the Marquee
During Existing Operational Hours and Unamplified Live Music to be Performed Until 2000 Hours.
The meeting was opened from 19.45 hours to 20.08 hours to allow the public to express their views. Cty. Cllr. P. Rigby left the room during the discussions.
It was RESOLVED that the Council vehemently opposed this application and OBJECT to the proposal. Although the variation in itself does not seem unreasonable, in view of the original reason for the inclusion of Condition 6 this request is merely another watering down of recent valid restrictions at a time when there is no favourable evidence to support this course of action. The
constant abuse of existing conditions relating to noise leaves the Council and residents with a lack of faith that any new condition will be adhered to. The Council is also well aware that the Fylde Borough Council Environment Protection officer has already issued a Notice of Intent on 4 July 2011 and whilst this situation is extant there is no justification in easing current planning conditions.
Finally, whilst this Council fully supports the Villa’s business the local residents also need their environment protected from undue noise and stressful activities.
It was also RESOLVED that the Clerk should ascertain how many complaints had been received and what action the FBC Environment Officer now proposed.
11/0544 Holmhurst & Grayline, The Green
Proposed Single Storey Rear Extension to Holmhurst and
Erection of a Pair of Garages to Both Properties.
The meeting was opened from 20.18 hours to 20.21 hours to receive the public’s view.
No Objection although as the property is in a Conservation Area, conservation style roof lights in the kitchen roof would be more appropriate. Also it is assumed that the new wall meets the current height crireria.
2. National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) – Draft Consultation – This document, which councillors had the opportunity to read on line prior to the meeting was discussed. As the Clerk had already contacted Mark Menzies, MP, on this matter no further action was felt necessary.
Open Spaces and Greens:
1.CCCTV at Wray Crescent Play Area and Allotments (12/42.1) – The Clerk advised that the project has been completed within the agreed budget of £850 at a net cost of £933-00 – gross cost of £1028-00 before the Pre School contribution of £250-00.
2. Land Adjacent Wray Crescent Play Area (12/42.2.) – The Clerk advised that there had been no further developments other than he had contacted this Council’s solicitors.
3. Play Area Progress (12/42.3) – Cllr. Mrs. A.E. Uphill advised that a further meeting had taken place on 25 July 2011 (minutes to come) but unfortunately Wicksteed’s revised plan had not been available. Wicksteed’s costs for equipment and installation are currently – MUGA £68K, play equipment £47K, and fitness equipment £7500.
4. War Memorial Enhancement Programme – The Clerk advised that the final estimates are £3789 net for stone and £1750 for implementation. There could also be an additional cost to re-instate the bench although the latter cost should be found within the 2011/12 annual budget. As the agreed cost is £5000 of which Westby with Plumptons has agree a 40% contribution, to ensure that the work is completed by Remembrance Sunday this Council will need to commit to the excess prior to agreement from Westby. The Clerk is also currently applying for a grant of £2000 which could reduce the overall commitment but this is not assured. Also there could be a saving of £90 in the implementation cost as the waste slabs could be used and transported by the Allotment Society. Any additional commitment would have to come out of reserves.
It was RESOLVED that the Council supported this action.
5. Kirkham Baths Finance – Kirkham Town Council has requested that this Council apply for a grant of £5000 as part of a £25000 package to enhance the facilities at the baths. However, as the Clerk is applying for a grant for the
War Memorial project – our asset – he advised that this was not practical. It was RESOLVED that this Council could not be involved.
The Council had agreed to support the running costs of Kirkham Baths with a £500 annual grant but this commitment expired this year. Although there is little evidence that many of the parish residents use the baths to support the primary school usage it was RESOLVED that the commitment to the annual contribution of £500 be extended until the end of this Council i.e. for another three years.
1. a). Financial Quarter Ended 30 June 2011 (Appendix 2) – The Clerk advised that income was doing well with grant/village prizes, fishing permits & allotment income already exceeding budget and bank interest ahead of target. Village Prize Income represents £35 of Garden vouchers converted into cash. Also tub sponsorship is making progress. On the expenditure front, as previously advised, the photocopying budget had been exceeded as had the general reserve budget following the agreed purchase of the new financial software. The latter is to be financed from the Village Sunday band grant (£375) that will not now be needed.
1.b) Financial Budget Comparisons for the Period Ended 31 July 2011 (Appendix 3) – Further to comments in 1 a) – income – Fylde in Bloom payment of £400 and electricity income from Field Day fair of £190 received also the Village Prize Income has increasing by £49-90 as further garden vouchers have been converted. All expenditure is within agreed altered budgets.
2. Adjustment of Budgets within Overall Budget Expenditure – It was RESOLVED that the Village Sunday Band budget should be reduced to nil and £340 added to the general reserve budget and £ 35 added to the Photocopying budget covering the extra cost of the affordable housing survey.
3. Best Kept Garden Judges Costs – The Clerk advised that it had been previously agreed that the judges could claim refreshment costs for visits to the village. He has now been advised that the judging visits accounted for circa 100 miles travel. It was RESOLVED that Pat Green would be reimbursed with £20 to cover petrol costs.
4. Payment of Accounts:-
Staining Road Nursery Payment – There has been a lot of problems in relation to this arrangement this year culminating in the nursey now charging £33 per tub against previous years of £25 – incidentally the latter is the same they have charged Lytham this year. The nursery has not performed as well as previous years with the tubs not being in situ until late June and the original choice of flowers not being included. After full consideration it was felt that the Council would only pay £30 per tub, a 20% increase and reduce the bill by £138 to £1655.
The following payments were approved:-
1878 HJ Gigg August Salary £ 436-33 net
1879 L Weatherby August Salary £ 217-00 net
1880 HMRC Tax & NIC -August £ 309-84 net
1881 FBC Toilets Water & Electricity £104 89 net £106-22 gr
1882 Vidahost Web Host Charges £ 95-00 net £114-00 gr
1883 J.S. Hanson CCTV Installation £455-00 net
1884 HJ Gigg/CCTV Direct Ltd
CCTV Equipment £478-00 net £573-60 gr
1885 Rob Davenport Exterior Toilet Painting £290-00 net
1886 J.Wildish Landscpes Grass Cutting Open Spaces £115-00 net £138-00 gr 1887 HJ Gigg/Staples Computer Cartridges £ 47-78 net £ 57-34 gr
1888 Pat Green BKG Comp Judging £ 53-65 net
1889 HJ Gigg Allotment Costs £ 12-50 net £ 15-00 gr
1890 John Curwen Allotment& Play Area Drain £1904-00 net £2284-80gr
100343 Richard Eaves North West in Bloom Portfolio£ 126-58 net £131-90 gr
100344 HJGigg/Harrod Wheels for football Posts £ 312.50 net £375-00 gr
100345 Staining Road Nursery 2011 Tub Displays £1655-00 net
5. Football Post Transportation Wheels – It was agreed that as the Council was not in favour of allowing a dropped kerb onto the Green the purchase of wheels at accost of £312-50 net would be afforded. The football club has agreed to contribute by way of a donation.
1.1. Lancashire County Councillor Report – Cty. Cllr. P. Rigby reported that the Moss Side lane drainage problem will be given priority from this year’s budget. Cllr. J.W. Dobson advised that this work had already been carried out. Cllr. Rigby further advised that the Ribby Road bollard costing had still not been completed and he agreed to chase this up. Councillors stated their appreciation of the speedy filling in of the various reported pot holes in the village. The chairman congratulated Cllr. Rigby on his recent election as Alderman of Fylde Borough.
1.2. Fylde Borough Councillor Report – In the absence of Cllr. F.A. Andrews there was a short written report:-
i) Two new wheelie bins to be introduced in April 2012 for papers/cardboard and bottles. Food waste and tea bags can now be put in the green bin. FBC is looking into the issue where households cannot accommodate 4 bins.
ii) Nat West is sponsoring a community project in the area up to £6K.
iii) Fylde Borough Press want details of any local events so they can be added to their tourism/PR information.
2. Lancashire County Council – Rationalisation of Household Waste Recycling Centres – Consultation Review July 2011 – This document had been circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting. It was RESOLVED that as changes did not affect this parish no further comment was necessary.
3. Lancashire County Council –Consultation – Draft Policy for Managing Unauthorised Encampments on County Council Owned Land and the Highways for which the County Council is the Responsible Authority – This documentation was also circulated prior to the meeting. It was considered that the document was unbalanced with travellers’ rights appearing to be on a higher plane than the general community.
4. Lancashire Fire & Rescue Performance and Action Plan 2011 Consultation – This was previously reviewed prior to the meeting and it was RESOLVED that it was really advice of a cost cutting exercise and no further comment was considered appropriate.
1.. Grant Awarding Policy (Appendix 4) – The Clerk produced a paper for the meeting and it was RESOLVED that it be adopted.
2. LALC – Community Engagement with Case Studies Workshop – 26 October 2011 – It was RESOLVED that Cllrs. Dobson, Molyneux, Mrs. Naylor and Mrs. Wheatman would attend at a cost of £25 per head..
3. LALC – Chairmanship Workshop – 23 November 2011 – It was RESOLVED
That Cllrs. Lupton and Molyneux would attend at a cost of £25 each.
4. LALC – Autumn Conference – 29 October 2011 – It was RESOLVED that Cllrs. Dobson, Mrs. Wardell and Mrs. Wheatman would attend at a cost of £35 each.
5. LALC 67th. Annual General Meeting 12 November 2011- Resolutions – It was RESOLVED no resolution should be submitted.
1.VBest Kept Garden Competition – The Clerk confirmed that the presentation would be held at the Church Community Centre at 7 p.m. on 31 August 2011. The powerplay of the garden photographs would be evident again this year. It was RESOLVED that wine, orange juice, tea/coffee and light refreshments would be made available.
12/57 CLERK’S REPORT (Appendix 1)
This document, which had previously been circulated to all councillors, was noted.
12/58 The Meeting Closed at 21.55 hours. The Next Meeting is on the
12 September 2011.
Cllr. Mrs. J.L. Wardell Chairman 12 September 2011.