Clive Grunshaw – Lancashire Police and Crime Commissioner Update – November 2024
Welcome to the latest edition of my stakeholder briefing, bringing you news and updates on crime and policing across Lancashire.
This week I proudly joined the county’s residents in celebrating Lancashire Day. As a Lancashire resident born and bred, representing the people of our great county and having them put their trust in me is an honour, and I am working to deliver the best possible policing service for everyone, acting as the public’s voice locally and in Westminster.
Alongside representatives from Lancashire and the rest of the country, I attended the APCC & NPCC Partnership Summit in London, as well as the Parliament launch of ASB Awareness Week hosted by Resolve ASB. It was very reassuring to hear how committed the Government and other Lancashire MPs are to combatting ASB in our county.
Recently, I wrote to Policing Minister, Dame Diana Johnson, calling for a new law to protect shop workers subjected to harassment and assault, including both physical and verbal harassment, whilst also making it mandatory for all offences that take place in a retail setting to be recorded as such.
I have continued to meet with MPs across Lancashire, walking the beat with them in their constituencies alongside local officers to discuss how we can work together to make Lancashire safer.
Since the launch of Operation Centurion in July 2023, Lancashire police have issued 826 civil actions and made 3548 arrests due to anti-social behaviour (ASB) such as criminal damage and drug dealing.Op Centurion is Lancashire Constabulary’s county-wide response to anti-social behaviour, supported by Police and Crime Commissioner, Clive Grunshaw.
Lancashire’s Police and Crime Commissioner has pressed Government on the need to tackle retail crime, to protect shopworkers, customers and businesses.
A force spokesperson added: “Operation Vulture is Lancashire Constabulary’s response to shoplifting across the county, backed by Lancashire’s Police and Crime Commissioner Clive Grunshaw. The operation sees dedicated officers undertaking hotspot patrolling, increasing their visibility in targeted areas and creating strong partnerships with retailers across the county to better share intelligence, get a deeper understanding of retail crime and identify more offenders.”
Preventing VAWG requires a partnership approach and my Office will take the lead on the development of a pan-Lanashire strategy to tackle the issue. Whilst in London, I convened Lancashire MPs to discuss how we can work together to protect women and girls and prevent violence from happening in the first instance, whilst ensuring we get the best outcomes for victims and provide support where needed.
Police and Crime Commissioner Clive Grunshaw and staff in his Office have been re-accredited as White Ribbon Champions and Ambassadors in support of the White Ribbon Campaign which aims to prevent Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG).
A key part of my role is to hold the Chief Constable to account for the delivery of efficient and effective policing in Lancashire. As the public’s voice in policing, it is important that I raise the issues that matter most to people.
For most people Force Control Rooms are the first point of contact with the police when they have a problem and I was pleased to hear in my regular Accountability Board meeting with the Chief Constable how performance within the Force Control Room has increased significantly throughout 2024, alongside the time taken by officers to arrive at the scene of incidents.
Whilst in London at the APCC & NPCC Partnership Summit, I was able attend a presentation by the Home Secretary. Yvette Cooper emphasised that the Government is committed to the restoration of neighbourhood policing and public confidence. Rebuilding trust and confidence in officers is set to be a priority in my up-coming Police and Crime Plan, Lancashire residents should be able to rely on their police force and know, if needed, the police will be there to help.
A county police boss has praised ‘significant’ improvements in 999 and 101 call responses.
This month, Lancashire Violence Reduction Network (VRN) took part in Sceptre, a national knife crime awareness week. During the week, the VRN and partners recovered over 1,400 knives and engaged with over 15,000 young people to raise awareness of the dangers of knife crime. Carrying or using knives is completely unacceptable and unnecessarily puts lives at risk, I will continue to work alongside Lancashire Police and partners to make Lancashire a safe place to be.
The JJ Effect are a local organisation who educate young people on the devastating impact knife crime can have on peoples lives through lived experience. During Sceptre week, I had the opportunity to attend and speak at a JJ Effect event hosted by Morecambe FC Community Foundation. Education has a key part to play in reducing the number of people carrying knives on our streets and as Commissioner I will continue to support charities such as the JJ Effect as they work to prevent young people from ever carrying knives, and ultimately, entering the criminal justice system.
Lancashire Police and Crime Commissioner Clive Grunshaw said: “Carrying or using knives is completely unacceptable and unnecessarily puts lives at risk.”
Operation Warrior is Lancashire Police’s response to tackling serious and organised crime in Lancashire, supported by Police and Crime Commissioner Clive Grunshaw It aims to target the individuals and gangs involved in crime, as well as associated issues such as violence and intimidation, large scale drug supply, exploitation, and fraud, all of which can cause serious harm to local communities.
Local leaders have joined a police patrol in Burnley town centre to discuss how to make the borough safer.The Lancashire Police and Crime Commissioner and the Burnley, Pendle, and Brierfield MP discussed policing concerns in the town while on the beat with neighbourhood officers.
Operation Defender is a force-wide campaign that aims to combat residential burglary with support from Lancashire’s Police and Crime Commissioner Clive Grunshaw.