Held At Wrea Green Institute
On 10 DECEMBER 2012 at 20.00 Hours
Present: Cllr. Mrs. J.L. Wardell (Chairman), Cllrs. J.W. Dobson, J.C. Maskell,
J.M. Molyneux, Mrs. P.A. Naylor, Mrs. C.E. Wheatman, and Cty. Cllr. P. Rigby
There were two members of the public in attendance.
1.1. Apologies: Cllr.. K.J. Lupton, Mrs. A.E. Uphill, and Br. Cllr. F.A. Andrews.
1.2. Declarations of Interests: Cllr. J.W. Dobson declared a pecuniary interest in
13/111 3 (Wray Crescent Garages Lighting) and 13/115 3. (Wrea Green Garages Annual Rent.).
2. Written Requests for New SPI Dispensation: None received.
13/108 The MINUTES of the Meeting of the 12 November 2012, which had previously been circulated to all councillors, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
1.Report from Community Beat Officer – PCSO Trevor Sterling reported that there had been 3 reported crimes two of which had been at Ribby Hall Leisure Village- shoplifting at the Spa Hotel and a SBH (family dispute). There had also been a theft of agricultural machinery from buildings on Moss Side Lane.
The Wrea Green National Speed Awareness week involving the primary school children had been an excellent success. The Roadwatch team have been out three times, once with the schoolchildren, and in all 22 speeding vehicles were stopped. A further two sessions are planned before Christmas.
There has been an issue relating to cars parking on double yellow lines at the Elms Drive/Station Road junction at school drop-off and pick-up times and offending vehicles are now being moved on.
The PACT priorities are parking on pavements and the local police newsletter.
Cllr. J.W. Dobson advised that it was raised at the PACT meeting about the introduction of average speed cameras at each entry point to the village, and it was agreed that this topic would be on the next Council agenda. Also Neighbourhood Watch groups wanted details of police orientated activities within the village.
1. Judicial Action Re Land Adjacent to Richmond Avenue (13/99 2.) – The meeting was opened from 20.15 hours to 20.25 hours to allow residents to air their views. It was ascertained that SWAG had raised sufficient moneys to pay for a barrister’s opinion on whether judicial action was feasible. Their solicitor was working without payment until this decision was available. A small delegation was to visit London to see the Q.C. who had already been furnished with a large portfolio of relevant papers. CPRE Fylde had also requested the Q.C.’s views on the Borough Council’s system for calculating housing numbers.
1. Wray Crescent Play Area Extension – 106 Moneys (13/100 1) – The Clerk advised that the release of the 106 moneys had been agreed by the Borough Council Cabinet on 21 November 2012 subject to this Council completing an agreement indemnifying the borough on the basis that the moneys would be used in accordance with the 106 agreement and within 12 months. Official notification is still to be received but it should allow the Council to go ahead with its’ current plyt area project in late March/early April.
2.The Millennium Clock Situation (13/100 2.) – The Clerk advised that David Diggle had repaired the clock when he altered the hour change and it is now working satisfactorily. However, as it is regularly breaking down it would still be appropriate for a clock repairer to undertake a full maintenance programme. As Cllr. Lupton had identified a suitable person it was recommended that this source is contacted in the New Year. It was RESOLVED that this course of action be followed.
3. Wray Crescent Garages Lighting – The Clerk advised that there had been a previous arrangement with the proprietor of the Pre School for the lights to be left on all night. However, this was a wasteful arrangement and the Clerk suggested that a sensor system was investigated and if the cost was reasonable the Council could give further consideration. The Clerk has also discussed this issue with Laura McCormack and she is amenable to any arrangement as long as the Pre School is remunerated. It was RESOLVED that this matter was followed up.
4. Vehicle Damage on the Greens – This “old chestnut” has again raised its head and Cllr Dobson advised that there was severe damage at several locations. After a long discussion it was RESOLVED that two large tubs be purchased for say £100-00 and positioned to obviate the problem at the major point of concern on the main green. It was also RESOLVED that if this did not eradicate this problem two benches should be introduced but this would be fairly expensive.
R. Lancaster & Son is also to be asked to undertake the necessary repairs to the ground.
1.Financial Budget Comparisons for the Period Ended 30 November 2012
(Appendix 2) – The Clerk presented the account position in line with the financial information which had been circulated to councillors before the meeting. The income has now exceeded the annual budget figure of £57982 at £58058. Expenditure to date at £37480 is maintained within agreed budgets. The position was accepted and accounts were noted and approved.
2. Increase in Toilet Improvement Spend in 2012/13 Budget Cost – The Clerk advised that, in view of the regular blockages which were occurring and to ensure the proposed new flooring would not need to be uplifted, he had commissioned a camera survey of the toilet system. As expected this had identified major root growth within the system. The offending roots were cleared but there remain some within the actual ladies toilet escape area which could not be reached. This will necessitate the removal of the toilet pans to action and in view of their age will result in their breakage.
The cost of undertaking the floor improvement has increased and will now be in the region of £2500. Although this is a sizeable increase £1500 had been allowed in the budget and the Council has since obtained a LSP grant for £1000 so overall net cost will still be within or near to the net budgeted figure.
3 . Payment of Accounts –
2.1. The following payments were approved :-
100384 HJ Gigg December Salary £581-63 net
2068 L. Weatherby November Salary £ 231-00 net
2069 HMRC NI & Tax November £ 159-62 net
2070 Principal Hygine Annual Contract £ 390-00 net £ 468-00 gr
2071 Lakeland Thinnings Christmas Tree £ 240-00 net
2072 SLCC Membership £ 127-00 net
2073 St.Nicholas PCC` Grant re gardens £ 300-00 net
100385 S.Walker Trans Delivery Christmas Tree £220-00 net £264-00 gr
100386 Alan Burrows Christmas Tree Maintce £ 40-00 net
100387 Media 21a Winter Newsletter £200-00 net £204-00 gr
100388 Pipescan Ltd Camera re Toilets Check£ 80-00 net £ 96-00 gr
100389 St. John Amblce Bonfire Night £ 72-00 net £ 86-40 gr
100390 J.Wildish Land Grass Cutting £244-00 net £292-80 gr
100391 D.TEC Internatl Part of Grant £ 71-07 net
100392 Ean Lewin £477-30 gr
BuyaBattery New SpID battery £ 38-06 net £ 45-67 gr B & Q Part of Grant £ 44-69 net £ 53-63 gr
Divine Signs Part of Grant £315-00 net £378-00 gr
100393 Pat Naylor £351-68 gr
Woodys Group Posts for Tree £ 3-90 net £ 4-68 gr
WH Smith Gift Cards Christmas £ 20-00 net
RSS South Shore Petrol re Tree £ 50-00 net £ 60-00 gr
Blackpool BC Bulbs for Tree £222-50 net £267-00 gr
100394 Intack Sound Megaphone £ 12-50 net £ 15-00 gr
100395 HJ Gigg £129-46 gr
Mileage £ 56-25 net
Internet £ 42-00 net
Mobile Phone £ 31-21 net`
100396` SPOILT
100397 Guardian Band Christmas switch-on £100-00 net
2074 issued to replace 2062 as J. Wildish Landscapes had not received it.
4. SpID Maintenance – The battery is in need of replacing and it was RESOLVED that the net cost of circa £38-06 would be met out of the Open Spaces budget in accordance with Local Government & Rating Act 1997 s30.
1.1. Lancashire County Councillor Report – The Three Tier Forum report had advised that only one Fylde road project was now included in the 2013/14 budget. Cty. Cllr. P. Rigby agreed to continue to support Ribby Road being included in the LCC 2013/14 road highway programme if funds were available later. He also agreed to support that the school barriers were not removed.
1.2.Fylde Borough Councillor Report – In the absence of Br. Cllr. F.A. Andrews the Clerk reported that:-
1) Planning Application 12/0720 (Moss Side Lane) is to be considered shortly and Cllr. Andrews reminded this Council that we cannot, in the current climate, refuse unless there are problems with access and/or drainage -there are reservations on both. This site is also supported by the Neighbourhood Plan.
2) Cllr. Andrews has been asked whether the lampposts can be enhanced within the heritage area (conservation) and says that section 106 moneys pledged for public realm improvement could be utilised for this purpose.
3) Planning Application 12/0456 Bryning Lane is on the Development Management Control list on 19 December 2012. He probably expects to oppose 25 houses unless the officers recommend refusal.
2. Fylde Borough Council Amenity Cleaning Situation (13/102 3) –
Cllr. J.W. Dobson reported that he and the clerk had had a successful meeting with Kath Winstanley and Simon Chambers and was now fully aware of procedures.
1. Update on Christmas Switch-on – Cllr. Mrs. P.A. Naylor advised that the switch-on had gone off well. Cllr. Mrs. C.E. Wheatman was disappointed that people left so soon after the lights were actually on.
1.Clerk Attending SLCC regional Conference in Harrogate – 3 July 2013 – The Clerk requested that he attend this annual conference at a cost of £69. It was RESOLVED that the cost would come out of the training budget.
2. Fishing Fees 2013/14 –It was RESOLVED that they were maintained at the same level as 2012/13.
3. Wray Crescent Garages Fees 2013 – With the aim to gradually increase to £52 per annum it was RESOLVED that the Wray Crescent Land committee recommendation to increase this year to £39-00 was followed.
4. Allotment Fees 2013/14 – It was RESOLVED that in line with the Allotment Society recommendation fees should remain at the current level for 2013/14.
13/116 CLERK’S REPORT (Appendix 1)
This document, which had previously been circulated to all councillors, was noted.
13/117 The Meeting Closed at 21.30 hours. The Next Full Meeting is on the
7 January 2013.
The meetings for the rest of the current Council year are to be held on
18 February, 18 March, and 15 April, with the Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Parish Council Meeting (AGM) to be held on 8 May 2013.
Cllr. Mrs. Janet Wardell 7 January 2013