On 9 MAY 2012 at 20.27 hours.
Present: Cllrs. J.W. Dobson, K.J.Lupton, J.C. Maskell, J.M Molyneux,
Mrs. P.A. Naylor, Mrs. A.E. Uphill, Mrs. J.L. Wardell, and
Mrs. C.E. Wheatman,
There were two members of the public in attendance
Cllr. Mrs. J.L. Wardell was elected as Chairman and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office for the forthcoming year.
Cllr. J.W. Dobson was elected as Vice Chairman for the ensuing year.
Apologies: None.
Declaration of Interests: None received.
13/19 The MINUTES of the 23 April 2012, which had previously been circulated to all members, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
It was RESOLVED that the following representatives will form the following committees for 2012/13, although any councillor may still attend any meeting.
i)Village Landscape Enhancement Committee – Council representatives:
Cllrs. J.W. Dobson, Mrs. P.A. Naylor, and Mrs. J.L. Wardell.
Chairman: Richard Eaves
ii) Wray Crescent Land Committee (Overall Development Mandate)– Cllrs. Lupton, Maskell & Wheatman.
Chairman: Cllr. K.J. Lupton.
iii) Conservation Committee – Council representatives: Cllrs. Dobson, Lupton and Naylor.
Chairman: Cllr. Mrs. P.A. Naylor.
iv) Christmas Activities Committee – Council representatives: Cllrs. Dobson, Naylor, Wardell, and Wheatman
Chairman: Cllr. Mrs. P.A. Naylor.
v) Finance Committee – Council Representatives:- Cllrs. Dobson, Molyneux and Naylor.
Chairman: Cllr. J.M. Molyneux
vi) Wrea Green Allotment Society – Council representatives: Cllrs. Dobson, Maskell, and Wheatman.
Chairman: Glen Trask – To be elected by the Allotment Society.
vii) Village Play Area Committee – Council representatives – Cllrs. Dobson, Uphill, Wardell, and Wheatman.
Chairman: To be selected at a full committee meeting.
viii) Village Plan Steering Group for the Neighbourhood Plan- Council representatives: Cllrs. Dobson, Lupton, Maskell, Molyneux, Naylor, Uphill, Wardell and Wheatman.
Chairman: John Rowson
In line with standing orders all the above are, whenever possible other than the Finance Committee and Wray Crescent Land Committee, to include community representatives from the village/parish and councillors should encourage this ideal.
It was RESOLVED that the following would be the Council representatives for 2012/2013.
i)Fylde/Parish Liaison Group- Cllrs. Dobson, Wardell, Wheatman, and the Clerk.
ii)LALC – Fylde Branch Representatives: Cllrs. Dobson, Molyneux, Wardell & Wheatman.
LALC AGM Voting member: Cllr. Dobson.
iii) Citizens Advice Bureau – Cllr. Mrs. C.E. Wheatman.
iv) Fylde Borough Community Safety Partnership –The Clerk
v) CPRE Fylde Branch – Cllrs. Lupton and Naylor.
vi) Fylde Local Strategic Partnership – The Clerk.
1.Priorities 2012/13 –
a) It was RESOLVED that the Council would concentrate on the Wray Crescent land area particularly to improve the garages section and the play area development.
b) The Council is to look at the possibility of taking over the delegated powers of right of way facilities in the parish from Lancashire County Council (LCC).
2. Priorities 2012/16 –
a) Cllr. Mrs. C.E. Wheatman considered that the Council should again concentrate on obtaining Quality Status.
b) Continuation of the development of the Play Area/Wray Crescent land.
3. Neighbourhood Plan – The Council remained committed to the Parish Neighbourhood Plan and would continue to finance and commit councillor involvement.
1. Annual Audit:-
1.1. Approval Of Annual Financial Accounts – The accounts had received a clean report from the internal auditor and it was RESOLVED that the Council approved the financial accounts, which had been circulated prior to the meeting.
1.2. Approval of Accounting Statement – It was RESOLVED that the Accounting Statement be Approved.
1.3. Approval of Annual Governance Statement – The statement was reviewed and it was RESOLVED that it be Approved.
1.4. Note/Action Internal Auditor Comments – There was a clean report and no action necessary.
2. General Financial Matters
2.1) Domicile of Bank Accounts – It was RESOLVED that the Council will continue to maintain the bank accounts at NatWest, Kirkham and Co-operative Bank, Skelmersdale. It was also RESOLVED that the Clerk would continue to look for safe sources where improved interest rates are available.
2.2) It was RESOLVED that as it is a new council bank mandate will be completed for the Co-operative Bank.
2.3) Payment of Further Regular Budgeted Items – It was RESOLVED and CONFIRMED that the following should be meet from the agreed budgets:-
a) Best Kept Garden Competition – to pay for the certificates, refreshments, and engraving of the cups and trophies under LGA 1972 s137.
b) War Memorial – cover the cost of maintaining the War Memorial garden within the agreed joint council budget on the basis Westby with Plumptons Parish Council contribute 40% one year in arrears under LAP Act 1923 s 1 as extended by LGA 1948 s133 .
c) Christmas Festivities – cover the cost within the agreed budget under
LGA 1972 s 144.
d) Bonfire Night – cover the cost of the night within the village amenity budget under LGA 1972 s144 & s145.
e) North West in Bloom/VLEC – cover the cost from within the agreed budget under LGA 1972 s144. Also to include the cost of organizing Village Pride Day(s) and payment to the party(ies) maintaining the tubs on a day to day basis.
f) Wray Crescent Land/ Garages – cover the various costs/expenditure in line with budgets and prior approval under LGA 1972 s124-127.
g) The cost of sending delegates to the NALC and LALC Annual Conferences and the LALC AGM within LGA 1972 s227.
h) The Chairman’s quarterly newsletter within the agreed budget under LGA 1972 s142.
i) Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group costs to produce an updated village plan document under LGA 1972 s141.
j) Web Site – the cost of maintaining this village facility to be met within the budget under the Telecommunications Act 1984 s97.
k) The Wrea Green Allotments – the normal running costs from the agreed budget under Small Holdings & Allotments Act 1908 s23 and AA 1950 s9.
l) The Station Road Toilets – the cost of cleaning, maintenance and other materials necessary for the general upkeep within LGA 1972 s14 para 9.
m) The External & Internal Audit Fees – to be meet from the budget under the Audit Commission Act 1998 and LGA 1972 s151.
n) Training Workshops and Seminars– the cost of councillors and the Clerk attending workshops/courses within the training budget under LGA 1972 s111.
o) Remembrance Sunday Wreaths – The two wreaths and cost of the bugler are to come from the War Memorial and Village Activities budgets respectively under LGA 1972 S137.
p) Open Space/The Greens/Play Area Furniture – To undertake necessary remedial work/painting of the furniture within the play area open spaces/greens’ budget under LGA 1972 s144.
q) Scribe Financial Software – Renew Licence in thye sum of £294-00 net from general reserve budget within LGA1972 s111.
r) Repair to Millennium Clock – It was RESOLVED within the greens’ budget under section 144 of LGA1972.
3. Grant Arrangements Already in 2012/13 Budget –
a) Grant of £300-00 to St. Nicholas PCC towards the upkeep of the church gardens under LGA 1972 s 214.
b) Grant of £225-00 to support the Senior Villagers annual function under LGA 1972 s137.
c) Grant of £1000-00 to Wrea Green Cricket Club to assist with the upkeep of the cricket square on The Green under LGA 1894 s8 (4) plus the unclaimed grant for 2011/2 i.e. a further £1000-00..
d) Grant of £250-00 to Wrea Green Institute, half for Parish Council meetings and half for ancillary meetings under LGA 1972 s111.
f) Grant of £500-00 to Kirkham Baths towards the upkeep of the baths from the Village amenity budget under LGA 1976 s.19.
g) Grant of £100-00 North West Air Ambulance under section 137 LGA 1972.
h) Grant of £100-00 Bowland Pennine Mountain Rescue under LGA 1972 s137.
i) CPRE grant of £25-00 under section 137 LGA 1972.
It was RESOLVED that in pursuance of the powers conferred in section 137 of LGA 1972 (as amended) and being that the expenditure covered above included in this section satisfies the requirements of that section.
4. Payment of Accounts:-
i) Agree Payment of the following:-
1984 H.J. Gigg Salary May £581-63 net
1985 Spoilt
1996 L. Weatherby Salary May £224-00 net
1986 Inland Revenue Clerk’s Tax & NIC £154-80 net
1987 J.Wildish Landscapes Grasscutting O/S April £ 318-00 net £381-60gr
1988 J.M. Services (NW) Repairs Millennium Clock“ £109-00 net £130.80 gr
1989 Principal Hygiene Toilet tissue £ 34-62 net £ 41-54 gr 1990 Scribe 2000 Ltd Annual Licence £241-00 net £290-00 gr
1991 R.Lancaster & Son Contract Work Greens/ Play/Toil£553-75 net £664-49 gr
1992 A.Greening Internal Audit Fee £ 75-00 net
1993 Cole Engraving Chairman’s Chain £ 88-33net £106-00 gr
1994 Scribe 2000 Annual Licence £ 4-00 net
5. Tub & Hanging Basket Maintenance Payments 2012- It was RESOLVED that the WI gardening group would be reimbursed for their time by way of donation at the end of the season.
1, County Councillor’s Report – Cllr. Paul Rigby was no present so there was no report. A report was given at the Annual parish meeting.
2.Borough Councillor Report – Cllr. Frank Andrews had given a report at the earlier Annual Parish meeting.
3. Diamond Jubilee Tree Planting Initiative – The mayor elect wishes to co-ordinate a Diamond Jubilee Tree Planting initiative covering the whole borough. It was RESOLVED that as the Council has already planted a tree on The Green it would be suggested that a tree is planted at the Parish Council’s Wray Crescent land.
1.Outdoor Fitness Lessons on the Green – The Clerk advised that a person would like to run a boot camp type class outdoors and has requested use of the Green. It was RESOLVED that as it was a commercial enterprise he be asked to attend the next meeting so that the Council can clearly ascertain the format and arrangements before a decision could be made.
2. Diamond Jubilee Tree Plaque – It was RESOLVED that the Council will await the two quotations and then move matters for the official event on 3 June on the basis that the residual allotment of moneys in the sum of £250-00 is not exceeded.
1.The Three Parishes Dinner – It is this parish’s turn to hold the dinner this year and the Chairman as requested to choose a restaurant. It was RESOLVED that the Thai restaurant in the village would be appropriate and a provisional date of
12 October agreed.
2. The Positioning of the Village Prints at the Institute – It was RESOLVED that the prints would be placed in the Institute hallway.
3. Best Kept Garden Judges – The Clerk advised that he was awaiting a response from Kirkham Horticultural Society. It was suggested that Geoffrey Whiteside be approached in the absence of a positive response.
1. Applications:-
12/0217 White House, Ribby Road
Proposed Variation of Condition 10 of Planning Permission 09/0396
To Allow Retention of Double Garage Associated with Previous Dwelling.
No Objection.
13/28 CLERKS REPORT (Appendix 1) – The report was noted.
13/29 FUTURE MEETINGS DATES – The follow meeting dates were agreed:- 12 June, 9 July, 13 August, 17 September, 15 October, 12 November,
10 December 2012.
All meetings normally to take place at 7.30 p.m. other than
13/30 The Meeting Closed at 21.50 Hours.
Cllr. Mrs. J.L. Wardell – Chairman 12 June 2012