Held At Wrea Green Institute
On 12 NOVEMBER 2012 at 20.00 Hours
Present: Cllr. Mrs. J.L. Wardell (Chairman), Cllrs. J.W. Dobson, K.J. Lupton, J.M. Molyneux, Mrs. P.A. Naylor, and Mrs. C.E. Wheatman,
There were three members of the public in attendance.
1.1. Apologies: Cllrs. J.C. Maskell, Mrs. A.E. Uphill, and Br. Cllr. F.A. Andrews.
1.2. Declarations of Interests: None.
2. Written Requests for New SPI Dispensation: None received.
13/97 The MINUTES of the Meeting of the 15 October and 1 November 2012, which had previously been circulated to all councillors, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
1.Report from Community Beat Officer – PC Gary Cross advised that there had been three reported crimes since the last full Council meeting – all at Ribby Hall Leisure Village. A detected cosmetics theft at the Spa Hotel, and two burglaries involving the theft of a camera and two laptops from a caravan and an x-box from another caravan.
The PACT priorities this month are illegal parking on pavements, speeding through the village and the printing of a newsletter for circulation.
The Chairman thanked the police for their presence at the Remembrance Service.
PC Cross agreed to follow up the situation of two large vehicles which had been parked on Ribby Avenue causing obstruction. They are currently situated on Willow Drive.
2. National Road Safety Week –
The Clerk advised that BAe Systems had agreed a £500-00 grant to match that of the Parish Council as long as the money was spent on banners on the inbound sections of Ribby Road and Bryning Lane. BAe will also put the National Road Safety week on their website and will target their workforce in the company newsletter.
Ean Lewin has asked for councillors to approach householders on Ribby Road, Bryning Lane, Station Road, The Green and Moss Side Lane for permission to put up banners.
1. Applications:
12/0626 Ribby Hall Leisure Village
Proposed Two Storey Side Extension to Existing Office Building
No Objection.
12/0635 Land at Little Tarnbrick Farm, Blackpool Road, Kirkham
Outline Application for up to 180 Residential Units (Class C3) Associated Infrastructure and Defined Access with Other Matters Reserved.
The meeting was opened from 20.20 hours to 20.21 hours.
The Council supports Kirkham Town Council and OBJECT to the proposal and recommend REFUSAL.
The proposed development is outside the Kirkham Town settlement area in designated countryside. Moreover, the development would form a new settlement clearly separate from the existing Kirkham built area as well as closing the buffer of open space between Kirkham and Westby with Plumptons parish. Although there are currently surface water problems, with suitable drainage the land is clearly grade 3a category. Also the development of this site would intensify the flooding problems in this area. This development is not sustainable and there is no proven need and therefore does not meet the requirements as highlighted in the NPPF.
2. Judicial Action Re Land Adjacent to Richmond Avenue – The meeting was opened from 20.22 hours to 20.36 hours. SWAG is pursuing the possibility of taking the judicial path and is currently obtaining barristers’ opinion on the strength of the case. The barrister involved is referring matters to a Q.C. SWAG will keep the Council advised of developments.
1. Wray Crescent Play Area Extension – 106 Moneys (13/85 1) – The Clerk advised that the release of the 106 moneys was being put before the Borough Council on 21 November 2012. This Council would then have to join in an agreement indemnifying the borough on the basis that the moneys would be used in accordance with the 106 agreement.
2. The Millennium Clock Situation
The Clerk advised that the Millennium Clock needed a full inspection as only one face was showing the right time other than for short times. It would be appropriate to commission a firm of clock repairers to ascertain whether repair was cost effective.
Cllr. K.J. Lupton had some contacts and agreed that he would pursue this line. It was RESOLVED that any initial cost could be met within the Greens budget and that if the cost of rectifying the current problem could be met within £500-00 matters could progress without further recourse to a Council meeting.
2. Replacement of the Dub Noticeboard – The Clerk advised that the noticeboard had been stolen or thrown into the Dub and either way it was considered necessary to buy a replacement. The Village Landscape Enhancement Committee (VLEC) has recommended that it is not replaced until the recommended full metal surround is also available. When a replacement cost was available this could either be found within The Greens budget or alternatively included in the 2013/14 budget calculations. In line with the VLEC recommendation it was RESOLVED that before consulting a main line manufacturer, the Clerk would approach Alan Burrows to see if he could arrange for the overall article to be made.
1..Financial Budget Comparisons for the Period Ended 31 October 2012
(Appendix 2) – The Clerk presented the account position in line with the financial information which had been circulated to councillors before the meeting. There had been little income since the last meeting but overall income is well on course at £56769 against the annual budget of £57982 and will definitely exceed this figure. Expenditure to date at £29888 is maintained within agreed budgets. The position was accepted and accounts were noted and approved.
2 . Payment of Accounts –
4.1. The following payments were approved :-
2059 HJ Gigg November Salary £ 581-63 net
2060 L. Weatherby November Salary £ 210-00 net
2061 HMRC NI & Tax November £ 159-62 net
2062 J.Wildish Land Grass cutting £ 373-00 net £ 447-60 gr
2063 E-On Electricity to Green £ 94-32 net £ 97-05 gr
2064 HJ Gigg £ 50-16 gr
Computer Cartridges £ 25-13 net £ 30-16 gr
Remembrance Bugler £ 20-00 net
2065 R.Lancaster & Son £6416-90 gr
Grass Cutting -Cricket £ 476-00 net £ 571-20 gr
VLEC – Tub Watering £1350-00 net £1620-00 gr
Tree Removal Garages £ 150-00 net
Fertilize Greens £ 381-00 net £ 487-20 gr Grass Seed Play Area £ 80-00 net
Play Area Field £ 334-25 net
Toilets – Unblocking £ 40-00 net
Greens Maintenance £ 2549-50 net £3134-25 gr
2066 Unity Bank Transfer £ 2000-00 net
3. Purchase of High Visibility Jackets – The Clerk advised that the Council now only has 6 jackets It was RESOLVED that a further 10 should be bought.
1.1. Lancashire County Councillor Report – In Cty. Cllr. P. Rigby’s absence there was no report.
1.2. Fylde Borough Councillor Report – In the absence of Br. Cllr. F.A. Andrews the Clerk reported that the councillor was at a Special Borough Council meeting this evening to consider a Notice of Motion proposed by Br. Cllr. Elizabeth Oades to call on the Government to urgently revise planning legislation and the new planning reform to give the Localism Act more weight in order that district councils, not developers, determine future land allocation for housing need within their districts.
It was later confirmed that this motion had been supported.
2.. Strategy for Provision of School Places and Schools’ Capital Investment – It was felt that there was no need to respond.
3. Amenity Cleaning Situation (13/ 87.3) – Cllr. J.W. Dobson reported that the Borough Council was not fulfilling the laid down amenity cleaning service. It was RESOLVED that a meeting should be arranged with the head of the borough’s amenity cleaning section.
Cllr. P.A. Naylor reported that several gulleys in the centre of the village had been cleared.
1. Minutes of Christmas Activities Group – 15 October 2012 (Appendix 3) – The minutes had been previously circulated to all councillors and they were noted.
2. Minutes of Village Landscape Enhancement Committee – 1 November 2012 (appendix 4) – The minutes which had been circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting were noted. Cllr. Mrs. J.L. Wardell advised that there were two WI ladies interested in joining the committee. John Wheatman is also interested.
1.Christmas Switch On – Parish Council – Cllr. P.A. Naylor advised that the tree was to cost £240-00 and other than the food situation all aspects were coming together. Unfortunately, there was still no volunteer group who wanted to take over the minced pie and mulled wine project. It was suggested that SWAG may wish to undertake this task in its quest to generate funds. In the absence of a SWAG agreement the Parish Council will take over the lead. Mrs. Jan Potter, Headteacher, will arrange the carol sheet printing.
13/105 CLERK’S REPORT (Appendix 1)
This document, which had previously been circulated to all councillors, was noted.
13/106 The Meeting Closed at 21.30 hours. The Next Full Meeting is on the
10 December 2012.
Cllr. Janet Wardell 10 December 2012