Aims, Objectives and Operation of CAPOW
Since the “demise” of the original SWAG sometime in the second half of 2013, we have reviewed the sustainability of FULL support for the Wrea Green Community, particularly given the continued onslaught of Planning Applications and Appeals.
We have therefore resurrected a Community Resource entitled
Community Association for the Protection of Wrea Green (CAPOW) in a different format, in that CAPOW will now help Groups of residents in support of themselves, rather than taking on the full role of “masters” of seeking rejection of each and every unwanted/unwarrented major Planning application in the Village.
The document entitled “Help Prevent Over Development in Wrea Green” under the Community tab on the Village website, provides a very good basis for objection and it is incumbent on Groups of Residents to read and follow this advice, with CAPOW support. This document will be revised and updated as and when considered appropriate. Feedback on this document is ESSENTIAL so it can reflect Residents opinions. Please email [email protected] regarding suggested changes. All emails will be acknowledged, the suggestions considered and a reply given.
The revised Aims and Objectives of Capow are –
1 -To assist Groups of Residents in their endeavours to obtain rejection of unwarranted/unneeded “major” Planning Applications, within the Parish.
2 – To research problems areas within the Village.
3 – To keep up to date with changes in both National and Local Planning Policies.
This will be achieved by –
a) Advice on content of Planning Objections, addressing the Parish Council and addressing the DMC (FBC Development Management Committee). This includes Technical Planning advice based on both Local and National Planning Policies.
b) Attendance at resident meetings set up by Resident Groups, if required.
c) Research into General problems encountered within the Village, particularly flooding and sewage and traffic issues
d) Liaising with and assisting other Action Groups on the Fylde, with CPRE, Local Councillors (Borough or Parish) and with FBC Planning as deemed appropriate by the Steering Committee.
e) Liaising and providing input to the Local Neighbourhood Plan.
f) Keeping up to date with Planning Matters and providing commentary on General Planning Matters/Policies either at a Local or National level for the betterment of the perceived situation in Wrea Green.
Steering Committee Operation
It is intended that the Steering Committee of CAPOW should comprise of 6 to 8 individuals (plus a Treasurer) with the time and dedication to serve in a voluntary capacity to achieve the above aims and objectives. No remuneration will be provided, although each individual may claim reimbursement of funds from the CAPOW Treasurer at their own discretion for monies expended in pursuit of the aims and objectives of CAPOW. Each reimbursement will be subject to independent authorisation by two other members of the Steering Group and a careful watch maintained over any expenditure. Such monies will be levied by voluntary contribution from residents as and when required to keep the bank account in credit.
Any resident of Wrea Green is an automatic member of CAPOW, but any resident requesting CAPOW assistance will be required to provide input, review and organisation within any subsequent Group of Residents work and must not expect CAPOW to take on full management of all activity in relation to that requested assistance.
We believe, for the benefit of the Community, it is important that as many areas of the Village as possible are represented on the Steering Committee and the following individuals have agreed to stand as members of the initial Steering Committee –
Chairman and Committee Member – John Rowson (initially for 6 months)
Deputy Chairman – Eric Murphy
Treasurer – Steve Kenchington
Committee Members –
Dan/Hazel Rowley
Keith Allen
Sally Aspinall
Mick Mansell
A N Other (Station Road/Elms Drive/ First Avenue/Vicarage Close
A N Other (Manor Way/ Richmond Avenue Estate)
Periodic reviews will be undertaken by the Steering Committee to evaluate the input to this overall process by Committee Members and adjustments made as considered appropriate. This decision will be at the TOTAL discretion of the Steering Committee.
Any potential conflict of interest will be required to be declared both at commencement of the Steering Committee and during its operation. Should this arise, the particular Member of the Steering Committee will be excluded from involvement with the particular application and subsequent ongoing work related to that particular application, including the provision of CAPOW gathered information.
Issued on behalf of the CAPOW Steering Group by
John Rowson, Chairman and Eric Murphy, Deputy Chairman
10 December 2013