Parish Council Meeting
To be Held at Wrea Green Institute
On 15 SEPTEMBER 2014 at 19.30 hours
1. a) Apologies b) Declaration of Interests. c) Written Request for New DPI Dispensation.
2. Receive and Approve the MINUTES of the Meeting of the 11 August 2014.
1. Receive the Report of the Community Beat Manager 5
1. Planning Application
14/0605 North View Farm, 22 Ribby Road
Proposed Erection of Triple Garage to Side with Driveway and Gates, and 1.2 m High Wall to Front and Side Raising to 1.4 m Adjacent to Proposed Garage Location.
2. Proposed Solar Park at Land off Moss Side Lane, Nr. Wrea Green – Initial Consultation.
2. CAPOW update.
Open Spaces and Greens –
1. Draft – Formal Use of The Green (Appendix 3)
2. Draft – Mandate for The Wild Flower Group (Appendix 4).
3. The Signage on the Village Pump.
4. French Boules Area at Wray Crescent Play Area.
5. The Future for The Wray Crescent Housing Open Spaces.
6. Contractor Grass Cutting Tenders
7. Benches on the Greens and open Spaces.
Receive and Authorise
1. Parish Council Draft Financial Accounts and Budget Comparisons
as at Month End 31 AUGUST 2014 (Appendix 2).
2. Payment of Accounts.
3. Approve and Accept 2014 Audit
4. Insurance for 2014/15.
7. FYLDE BOROUGH/LANCASHIRE COUNTY COUNCILS 10 Receive Reports on any matters affecting Wrea Green:-
1. a) County Cllr. P. Rigby b) Br. Cllr, F.R. Andrews
2. Fylde Borough Council – Governance Consultation.
Receive an Update:-
1. Christmas Activities by Cllr. P.A. Naylor
2 Bonfire Night – 5 November 2014 by the Clerk.
3. Remembrance Sunday- 10 November 2014 by the Clerk.
4. Lancashire Best Kept Village Results (Appendix 5).
1. CPRE Representative – Update from Latest Meeting(s).
10. HIGHWAYS. 10
1. LCC Proposed Changes to 20 mph Areas Within the Parish.
2. General Matters.
Receive Report, and obtain Clarification where deemed necessary. 5
Hadyn J. Gigg 9 September 2014
Clerk to Ribby with Wrea Parish Council
THE PUBLIC and MEDIA are CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND. The public will be allowed to speak for up to 3 minutes on any issue as long as the Clerk or Chairman is advised in prior to commencement of the meeting.
Held At Wrea Green Institute
On 11 August 2014 at 19.30 Hours
Present: Cllr. Mrs. J.L. Wardell (Chairman), Cllrs. J.W. Dobson,
K.J. Lupton, J.C. Maskell, Mrs. P.A. Naylor, Mrs. C.E. Wheatman,
There were nine members of the public in attendance.
1. Apologies: Cllrs. Ms. P.M. Durran, J. Molyneux, and Br. Cllr. F.A. Andrews.
2. Declarations of Interest: Cllr. J.C. Maskell in 14/0515 “Holmhurst” planning application. Cllr. Maskell did not join the discussion or vote on this application.
3. Written Request for New SPI Dispensation – None received.
15/58 The MINUTES of the meetings of the 14 and 22 July 2014, which had previously been circulated to all councillors, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
Community Beat Officer’s Report:- In the absence of a police presence the Chairman advised that there had been one reported crime since the last Council meeting – criminal damage to a vehicle at Ribby Hall Leisure Village. Three Community Roadwatch sessions had taken place during the month and 59 warnings had been issued covering speeding and the manner of driving. The police are monitoring matters and working closely with the Trax/Martindale management. There have been problems with the Ribby with Wrea CE Endowed Primary School’s alarm which has been going off possibly due to a fault. The school is arranging a check. There has also been extra activity on the green due to the good weather but happily no incidents to report.
1. Applications:-
14/0491 North View Farm, 22 Ribby Road
Application for Approval of Reserved Matters of Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale for Erecting 44 Dwellings. Associated with Outline Planning Permission 13/0507.
The meeting was opened from 20.35 hours to 20.45 hours to allow attendees to make their views known.
The Council Accept the proposal. However, it is extremely disappointing that the development does not include what the community needs – quality retirement bungalows for the existing elderly living in large detached properties. The development also includes affordable units which are not deemed to be needed by this village as highlighted by the recent Affordable Housing Survey. The findings of which are already well catered for in the Richmond Avenue Extension housing project.
In view of the local concerns and despite the Environment Agency and United Utilities views, given with a complete lack of local knowledge, it would have been appreciated if a more detailed proposed drainage system was outlined. We trust that this will be forthcoming before the site is developed.
14/0498 Grasmere, The Green
Proposed Two Storey Extension to Front with Balcony and Dormer. Two Storey Extension to West Side, Single Storey Extension to East Side and Balcony to Rear and Formalising New Vehicular Access from Bryning Lane.
No Objection subject to Lancashire County Council, Highways’ approval of the proposed new Bryning Lane vehicular access.
14/0514 Spa Hotel, Ribby Hall
Proposed Single Storey Extensions to Front of Hotel Providing Orangery, Reading Room and Covered Porch Area with Extended First Floor Escape Landing and New Steps.
No Objection.
14/0515 Holmhurst, The Green
Proposed Conservatory to Rear and alteration to First Floor Window to Farm Doorway and Juliet Balcony.
The Council Object to the Proposal and recommends REFUSAL.
Although accepting all the other proposed improvements the Council strongly object to the creation of a first floor Juliet balcony which is not considered to be in keeping with a Victorian type property in the conservation area. It would also overlook the neighbouring garden and into the proposed next door extension and adversely affect that property’s privacy.
2. Update from CAPOW – The meeting was opened from 20.06 hours to 20.13 hours. John Rowson reported that he is aiming to bring the monthly bulletin in line with Parish Council meetings. FBC has released its comments on the Local Plan Consultation with the key features being sustainability, infrastructure issues, community involvement and engagement, which all coincide with the CAPOW and Parish Council views.
A meeting, which John Rowson was unable to attend, took place with Wain Homes to discuss several outstanding issues and he believes that progress was made although still ongoing. The Villa continues to breach planning conditions – some witnessed by the FBC Enforcement Officer – and a meeting has been arranged bhy FBC with the management.
A water vole is believed to have been spotted on the land adjacent to Willow Drive.
CAPOW has contacted Andrew Stell relating to the water run off rate of the various development sites and the maximum capacity of the Wrea Brook culvert under Station Road.
It is understood that a further development application will be forthcoming relating to land at The Brooklands/Mill Lane.
Also there is news of a 100acre solar panel farm South of The Villa. As far as this Council is concerned it would appear, in any case, to be outside this parish.
1. The Village Pump on the Church Row Green (15/45 1) – Cllr. Mrs. Naylor is still to paint the notice but has been awaiting information relating to the bolts securing the signage. Cllr. Mrs. Wheatman is still to approach Alan Burrows in this respect.
2. The Formal use of the Green by Groups/Organisations – It was RESOLVED that these situations should be covered within the Council’s Standing Orders. It was also RESOLVED that the Clerk would produce draft wording for the next Council meeting.
3. Development of the Wild Flower Area Update(15/45 3.)(Appendix 4) – The meeting was opened from 20.33 hours to 21.00 hours to allow John Wheatman to outline the proposals for the Wild Flower Area. A volunteer group has been established. Succinctly, the current wild flower area was a “hotch potch” that needed improvement. The area was to be enlarged down to the Dub with a path to allow people to pass and the anglers to fish. FBC had been very helpful and has already completed two of its own sites. The work is to start February/March 2015 with the turf being removed. As long as the work was carried out within the Parish Council banner the Council’s insurance would cover the work. A work mandate covering the group would need to be agreed by the Council before the work started. The Clerk will also completed the necessary risk assessment(s) for the group. It was agreed that poppies should be included in the development as a token commemoration for WW1. It was RESOLVED that an initial budget of £500-00 would be put in place, and as this is not included in the 2014/15 budget it would be taken from the General Reserve budget. The Clerk would also seek an appropriate grant(s).
1. Parish Council Draft Accounts for the Period Ended 31 July 2014
(Appendix 2) – The Clerk circulated the budget comparisons prior to the meeting and they were accepted and approved.
2. Payment of Accounts:-
2.1. The following payments were noted/confirmed:-
Direct Debit – Untd.Utilits Water to Allotments £50-44 net
2.2. The following payments were agreed:-
100563 H.J. Gigg August Salary £626-78 net
100564 L. Weatherby August Salary ` £240-00 net
100565 HMRC August Payment ` £173-21 net
100566 J. Wildish Lands Grass Cutting June £268-00 net £321-60 gr
100567 Principal Hygiene Toilet Contracts £390-00 net £468-00 gr
100568 Zurich Services Risk Seminar £ 30-00 net £ 36-00 gr
To replace 100559
100569 NWIB Presentation Event £ 81-00 net
100570 P.Green BFGC – Crocuses re Trinity £ 20-00 net £ 24-00 gr
1.1. Lancashire County Councillor Report – In the absence of Cllr. Rigby there
was no report.
1.2. Fylde Borough Councillor Report – In the absence of Cllr. F.R. Andrews
there was no report.
2. Items to be Put Before The Three Tier Forum – Cllr. J.W. Dobson advised that the road gulleys were becoming full of debris and muck. It was RESOLVED that the Forum is asked whether there is a scheme in place to clean the road gulleys.
1. French Boules Court at Wray Crescent Play Area – The Chairman advised
Members of the WI had suggested that a boules area was established behind the Play School hut at Wray Crescent. It was RESOLVED that the Council required further information before a decision could be made as any cost would have to be found from within the existing budget or out of reserves. The Chairman is to return to the WI on this matter.
2. Best Front Garden Competition and Presentation Evening – 8 September 2014 (15/48 4.)– The Clerk advised that the downstairs room at the Institute was booked, the judge advised, Cllr. Mrs. C.E. Wheatman had taken all the photographs, the certificates are in the course of being printed, and John Rowson has formulated a picture display for the evening. He will now arrange for the cups to be collected and inscribed. It was RESOLVED that the evening would be a nibbles and wine event.
3. Lancashire Best Kept Village Competition (15/48 6.) – Cllr. J.W. Dobson advised that the village was in the last four in the Champions Class, the church gardens were in the finals and the village toilets were in the last two. Surprisingly the War Memorial had not reached the final judging stage. Cllr. Dobson expects the final judging to take place within the next fortnight. He felt that Pudding Pie Nook badly needed sweeping. It was RESOLVED that councillors should continue to pick up litter and a special event cleaning up was not felt necessary.
4. Bonfire Night – 5 November 2014 (15/48 1.) – The Clerk advised that the matters were progressing satisfactorily. He has contacted St. John Ambulance and is in the throes of confirming their attendance.
5. Remembrance Sunday – 9 November 2014 (15/48 2.) – The Clerk advised that there was no further progress to report.
6. Christmas Activities – 6 December 2014 (15/48 3.) – Cllr. Mrs. P.A. Naylor advised that there was no further progress o report but a meeting will be called next month. Cllr. J.W. Dobson is to contact the headteacher at the school.
1. In House Quarterly Risk Review – The Clerk advised that the review took place on 5 August 2014 and generally there was little risk noted. One bench on the main green needed immediate action and had now been removed by R. Lancaster & Son. Any other minor aspects have either been referred to contractors or diarised to take up later in the year.
2. Resolutions for the LALC AGM – 8 November 2014 (15/49 3.2.) – It was RESOLVED that there were no resolutions necessary.
3. Civic Sunday _- The Future (15/ 48.7) – The Chairman expressed her disappointment that the event was poorly attended by councillors and that the Rose Queen and her retinue did not attend. It was RESOLVED that the event should be given a further year to see if matters improved. Also the Field Day Committee is to be approached so that when selecting a rose queen she should be made aware that it was appropriate to attend Civic Sunday in line with every other town or parish.
1. Highway General Matters – Cllr. Mrs. P.A. Naylor advised that The Church View Fold management committee was putting up no parking signs to prevent unwanted parking on what is a private road, Cllr. Dobson stated that he was looking forward to the resurfacing of Ribby Road.
15/67 CLERK’S REPORT (Appendix 1)
The Clerk’s report, which was circulated to all members before the meeting, was noted and accepted.
15/68 The Meeting Closed at 21.34 Hours
The Next Meeting is on the 15 September. 2014.
Cllr. Mrs. J.L. Wardell 15 September 2014.