Divisional Headquarters
Bonny Street
Blackpool Lancashire FY1 5RL
Telephone: 01253 604134
E-mail: [email protected]
Dear Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator,
Since becoming the Watch Liaison Officer in November, I feel it would be good to have a get-together with you all so I can meet you and discuss any issues you may have.
With this in mind, I have been arranging a Community Awareness Event and this will take place on Tuesday 14th February between 2pm and 4pm, in the Assembly Rooms, Dicconson Terrace, Lytham St Annes, FY8 5JY. Timings for the day are as follows opening 2pm, Marketplace 2:15-3pm & Presentation 3-4pm.
Fylde Council have assisted with funding for this event and will also be putting on a counter-terrorism presentation which is very informative and is about the community preventing people from being drawn into terrorism.
All Neighbourhood Watch Coordinators from Blackpool and Fylde are being invited to the event, which will be a marketplace type of event where you will be able to meet Officers from the Lancashire Constabulary, Neighbourhood Watch Executive Committee members, Lancashire Combined Watch Forum members along with representatives from various other agencies such as British Red Cross, Lancashire Fire & Rescue Service etc. It should be a great opportunity to talk, on an informal basis, to all of these people and to get to know other Neighbourhood Watch Coordinators.
There will be items that you can take away such as the popular ‘Jingle Bells’ which you can attach to your purse/wallet/bag, Ultra Violet pen markers, and other free hand-outs.
You are welcome to bring friends along with you if you wish; this would assist in signing up more people to become coordinators and help us to grow.
I do hope that you will be able to come along please let me know if you are able to be there or not by the 6th February please do so via email or phone so we can ensure we have a rough idea of numbers for the refreshments.
Yours sincerely,
Sam Blincow
Watch Liaison Officer