Held At Wrea Green Institute
On 12 JUNE 2012 at 19.30 Hours
Present: Cllr. Mrs. J.L. Wardell (Chairman), Cllrs. J.W. Dobson, K.J. Lupton, J.C. Maskell, J.M. Molyneux, Mrs. P.A. Naylor, Mrs. A.E. Uphill, Mrs. C.E. Wheatman, and Cty. Cllr. P. Rigby.
There were eleven members of the public in attendance.
1.1. Apologies: Br. Cllr. F.A. Andrews.
1.2. Declarations of Interests: Cllr. J.W. Dobson declared a personal interest in 13/35 3.
13/32 The MINUTES of the Meetings of the 9 May 2012, which had previously been circulated to all councillors, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
1.Report from Community Beat Officer – PC Gary Cross reported that there had been 9 crimes in the parish since the last meeting, 7 of which were at Ribby Hall Village. The 7 were primarily burglaries at caravans and lodges and the theft of a crate of ale. A policing policy has been put in place and security enhancement recommendations have been made. The 2 Wrea Green village crimes were perverting the course of justice by approaching a victim and the theft of an unattended mobile phone at a party. The main priority at PACT remained obstructive parking. There is to be a bike coding programme at the primary school. PCSO Trevor Sterling is also to set up a text alert system including Neighbourhood Watch and councillors on a secure basis. It is also proposed that an unmarked car will park near to school to take action in respect of obstructive parking.
The community police were asked to look out for the continuing spate of low level anti social behaviour in the centre of the village and Wray Crescent play area. It was also advised that the police were looking to re-assess the village road network for “safe” sites including Bryning Lane. However, at present they are unable to police the new 20 mph speed limit within the village. It was RESOLVED that the clerk would contact the LCC cabinet holder in this respect.
1. Applications:
12/0342 Langtons Farm, Ribby Road
Proposed Stable Block & Paddock for Domestic Use Only.
(Re-submission of 11/0363) – Increase in Sand Paddock and Clarify Construction Levels and Site Drainage.
The meeting was opened from 19.54 hours to 20.06 hours to allow residents to put their case.
In principle this Council is not against the proposals. However, although it appears from the description that this is a minor alteration to the agreed application 11/0363 the Council is unable to make a decision on the information available. It is also a very large complex for personal use. The two issues are drainage and light pollution. As the case officer is aware there have been flooding problems relating to the Langtons Farm land in respect of neighbouring properties 85-91 Ribby Road. Although the drainage issue is covered in part, the dyke on the eastern side of the property has been problematical in the past and already seeps in 91a Ribby Road. Also the Council is aware that a section of a dyke on the site has already been filled in. Consequently, as there is already drainage problem extant there is a need to ensure that there is sufficient drainage arrangements in place. Although not belonging to the applicants the drainage system on the adjoining Langtons Farm land is felt to be in urgent need of dyke maintenance as it currently exacerbates the problem.
Turning to the proposed lighting there is no specification with the report so it is difficult to assess the issue of light pollution for the neighbouring properties. It is essential that the level of lighting whilst satisfactory for the paddock does not interfere with the neighbours and it is considered that if the specification is appropriate, as it is within a residential area, a time condition should be included in any approval.
It was RESOLVED that as he Council had concerns about drainage and the new proposed lighting it was not able to make a decision on the information available.
12/0303 The Villa, Moss Side Lane
Proposed Extension to Side and Rear of Existing Hotel to Provide
New Function Space and Back of House Facilities with Associated Car Parking and Landscaping Works Following Demolition of Existing Agricultural Buildings at Shepherds Farm. Retention and Relocation of Existing Maquee for Further Temporary Period During Anticipated Construction Phase.
The meeting was opened from 20.15 hours to 20.40 hours.
The Council support this more modest scheme which has been mindful of local community suggestions but it would be preferable if the sound barrier between the Villa and Shepherd’s Farm house was at a higher level than proposed. It is subject to the existing conditions relating to noise at the marquee and access/egress from/to Mill Lane remaining in place.
1. Use of Green for Commercial Fitness Purposes – The person requesting access to the green did not appear to outline his modus operandi.
2. Cuadrilla – Temporary Use of Greens for Wire System – The wire system was now laid and a payment received by the Council.
3. Tarmacing Garage Area – The Clerk advised that 2 out of 3 tenders had been received with the lowest being £7310 plus vat which would be in total £8000, against £10520 plus Vat. It was RESOLVED that the lower quote which covers a better specification be accepted and the Garages Capital expenditure budget be increased accordingly. The work is tom start after 20 July 2012.
4. Wray Crescent Hut Lease (Appendix 3) – It was RESOLVED that the Council confirmed the action proposed.
5. Wray Crescent Play Area Extension – Cllr. Mrs. A.E. Uphill advised that there is a lack of volunteers to drive the project. It was RESOLVED that the Council would now go ahead and develop a smaller project based on the Redrow 106 moneys.
6. Site Visit re Request to Link into Disabled Parking System at 37 Wray Crescent – Cllr. J.W. Dobson advised that Mr. Whiteside has requested that councillors have a site visit so that he can explain his proposals. It was RESOLVED that as councillors had already visited the site and a decision was made there was no benefit in attending a further site visit.
7. The Diamond Jubilee Plaque – The Chairman advised that the plaque was in situ. It was RESOLVED that it should be put further from the tree and laid flat in the ground. The Clerk will advise R. Lancaster & Son to undertake this work and the budget for the Jubilee Tree project would be increased by £50 from reserves.
1.Financial Budget Comparisons for the Period Ended 31 May 2012
(Appendix 2) – The Clerk presented the account position which showed that income was well on course. However, the Westby with Plumpton’s contribution for 2011/12 was less than forecast as the repair to the wall had not been carried out. At present, as would be expected at this stage, expenditure is in line with budgets. The Council accepted the figurework.
2. Standing Orders Relating to Urgent Events – it was RESOLVED that it was necessary to include in the standing orders that if urgent matters arose between meetings that a consensus of opinion could be obtained electronically and action taken which would then be confirmed at the following Council meeting.
3. 5 Year Appointment of BDO LLP as External Auditors – The Clerk advised that BDO LLP had been appointed as external auditors for the next five years for this section of the country.
4. Proposed Alteration to the Clerk’s Mobile Phone – The Clerk advised that the current arrangement was, in his view, expensive and it would be preferable if a contract arrangement was instigated. It was RESOLVED that a contract system would be more practical and the Clerk should investigate the situation ready for the next meeting.
5. Request for Grant by The Sue Ryder Charity – The charity has requested a grant towards purchasing a special Parker bath costing £7000 in their care centre which will enable far more critically ill people to have a bath in comfort and safety. It was RESOLVED the Council would give a grant of £100. It was also RESOLVED that in pursuance of the powers conferred in section 137 of LGA 1972 (As Amended) and being that the expenditure covered above included in this section satisfies the requirements of that section.
6. Payment of Accounts –
6.1. It was RESOLVED that the following payments were confirmed:-
1995 Staples Neighbourhood Plan Leaflets £ 55-75 net £ 66-90 gr
6.2 The following payments were authorised:-
1997 HJ Gigg July Salary £581-63 net
1998 L. Weatherby July Salary £224-00 net
1999 HMRC NI & Tax July 2012 £159-62 net
2000 HJ Gigg Quarterly Expenses £169-74 net
2001 HJGigg Computer cartridges £ 14-82 net £ 17-78 gr
2002 Acer Contracts Hebercide Small Greens £130-00 net £156-00 gr
2003 Chris Danby Jubilee Plaque £225-00 net £270-00 gr
2004 K. Croasdale Refund of Indemnity £ 10-00 net
2005 T. Parker Refund of Indemnity £ 10-00 net
2006 Sue Ryder Grant £100-00 net
1.1. Lancashire County Councillor Report – Cty. Cllr. P. Rigby reported that Bryning with Warton was in support of the new enterprise zone based on Warton but were very concerned, in view of the projected increase in employment, about the local highway structure. It was RESOLVED that this Council would join with Bryning with Warton to contact Fylde Borough Council about action to improve the highway infrastructure in the Local Plan.
1.2. Fylde Borough Councillor Report – In the absence of Cllr. F.A. Andrews the Clerk advised that Cllr. Andrews had queried the activities at the Lytham St. George’ Day event.
2. Delegated Powers of Rights of Way from Lancashire County Council – It was RESOLVED that the Clerk, Cllr. J.W. Dobson and possibly Cllr. Mrs. C.E. Wheatman would look into whether this was feasible. In the meantime the Clerk would advise LCC of the Council’s interest,
1.Street Signs – Cllr. J.W. Dobson reported that he had been asked by a resident if there could be more signage depicting the various parts of the Green and/or also that houses should be numbered. It was RESOLVED that there was no need to further clutter the Green with signage and that numbering would probably cause discontent with residents. Therefore the request was set aside.
2. Ribby Road Repair – It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would contact John Rowe to request at the September Three Tier Forum that as Ribby Road is excessively used and is in need of a full resurfacing job.
1. Best Kept Garden Judges – The Clerk confirmed that Cllr. Mrs. P.A. Naylor had arranged for Andy Foley of the Plant Emporium to be this year’s judge. The Clerk will advise him of all the various categories and procedures.
2. Caudrilla’s Activities Around Wrea Green and Residents’ Perception – Councillors were asked to bring any feedback relating to the current “fracking” activities to the next meeting.
3. VLEC Minutes 10 May 2012 – The minutes were noted.
1. Finalising Details of Civic Sunday 1 July 2012 – The Chairman and Cllr. Mrs. A.E. Uphill are to say prayers, Cllr. A.E. Wheatman a reading, with the Rose Queen, Jessica Millar, to be requested to undertake the other reading. Councillors have been asked to consider the choice of hymns. It was agreed that the Chairman would check the prayers with the vicar and the Clerk would contact the Rose Queen and invite the other town and parish councils.
2. Three Parishes Dinner – The Chairman had received no response from the Thai restaurant so it was decided that she would approach The Villa.
3. NALC – Members Conduct and Registration and Disclosure of Their Interests (England) – The Clerk advised that the Standards Board is now defunct following the introduction of the Localism Act 2011 and the changes take place on 1 July 2012. The Act now includes non councillors if voting members of any committees or sub committees. A new Code of Conduct must be adopted and may be encouraged by the local authority in line with its own module. However, NALC is preparing a parish council module. The NALC Legal Topic Note is to be circulated so that a decision can be made at the next meeting by which time the NALC module should also be available. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would contact FBC in this respect.
4. Three Tier Forum Topics (Minutes Appendix 4) – These items had been previously circulated to all councillors and noted.
13/41 CLERK’S REPORT (Appendix 1)
This document, which had previously been circulated to all councillors, was noted.
13/41 The Meeting Closed at 22.10 hours. The Next Full Meeting is on the 9 July 2012.
Cllr. Janet L. Wardell 9 July 2012