Canapés, Cava and celebratory headgear were all in evidence at the W.I. Members Evening on March 1st. The theme for the evening was The Royal Wedding and members had been asked to wear a hat although unaware of the wedding theme. There was a rich variety of hats. There were wedding ones, flowered ones, decorated ones and even a spring chicken one.
This theme dictated the programme for the Evening and the room was decorated with bunting and tables covered with golden table cloths were embellished with wine glasses, Favours and bottles of Cava. A selection of wedding dresses hung from the bars. Why was this? People wondered. After the singing of Jerusalem and the business part of the evening which was hosted by members, the entertainment got off to a bubbling start with discussion and tasting of wine fronted by Booths. Tastings were passed round and commented on while John from Booths gave a very informedcommentary. Four different wines were degusted and commented on by members. It proved to be an entertaining and instructive half hour.
Next on the agenda was a presentation by Rev. J.Wixon on the theme of “Weddings”. He was greeted by many old friends. His talk was both spiritual and anecdotal and ended with questions from the floor. Presents for the W.I.Committee were handed out and gratefully received.
An appetising aromatic array of savoury and sweet canapés were handed round and enjoyed to the then revealed. A list of names was produced but could members match the dresses with the names? There was some success here with ladies using differing methods of deduction and pure guess work.
A raffle followed and the evening ended with thanks to the organisers. “A Reet Good Do” was had by all.
Judith Appleton